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Bake to texture problems

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  • Bake to texture problems


    I am trying to follow this tutorial with no luck.

    I just want to bake all the diffuse/ bump/ and Reflection maps from a very large multisub material and make them a one texture and one material with new UVs

    1 - So if I want all the maps that are on the Diffuse slot to be baked into a new texture, without lighting information, just the original maps combined in a new texture, should I use the VRayDiffuseFilterMap or the VRayRawDiffuseFilterMap render element? and not the VRayCompleteMap?

    2 - VRayRawReflectionFilterMap I do not get the same colors as the colors that are set on the reflection slot.

    3 - Another problem that I have, evethough I set noise treshold to 0,01 and max subs to 24 to speed up rendering, when it reaches 0,01 noise treshold it continues rendering.. why is that?

    thank you
    Last edited by jens_mittendorf; 02-04-2024, 04:32 AM.

  • #2
    HI, thanks for posting.
    You have to setup a bake element for each render element that you need. If you need only the diffuse baked to texture then use the VRayDiffuseFilter. If you are not sure what to use when please refer to this page.
    I don't fully understand your idea with the multi-sub material, could you share a bit more details about it (screengrabs).

    Another problem that I have, evethough I set noise treshold to 0,01 and max subs to 24 to speed up rendering, when it reaches 0,01 noise treshold it continues rendering.. why is that?
    What information do you get in the VRayLog? We might need a scene for this one.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post
      HI, thanks for posting.
      You have to setup a bake element for each render element that you need. If you need only the diffuse baked to texture then use the VRayDiffuseFilter. If you are not sure what to use when please refer to this page.
      I don't fully understand your idea with the multi-sub material, could you share a bit more details about it (screengrabs).

      What information do you get in the VRayLog? We might need a scene for this one.

      [16:46:08.119] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.142857

      [16:46:24.492] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.090909

      [16:46:41.509] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.052632

      [16:46:58.903] Noise threshold goal set: 0.050000​


      [16:50:29.733] Progressive rendering finished: specified noise level reached​

      after 2 min rendering it reached the 0.05 treshold set in the render settings, but it keeps rendering 4 min more
      When baking small textures this is no big deal, but when I go for the 8192x8192 textures at 0,03 noise treshold it adds too much time!!

      Thank you

      Can not upload text document, so I paste in here

      FULL LOG
      [16:45:10.330] Log warnings and errors flag is cleared

      [16:45:10.330] Warning : V-Ray VFB is enabled but no save option is selected - baked textures will be lost.

      [16:45:10.330] Warning : Please select a VFB output option or use the 3dsmax VFB.

      [16:45:10.331] Tiled texture cache set to 4000 MB

      [16:45:10.332] Warning : Secondary rays bias is 0.0 in texture baking mode; using 0.001 instead.

      [16:45:10.871] Setting number of rendering threads to 48.

      [16:45:10.871] Preparing renderer...

      [16:45:11.141] Using Intel Embree ray server

      [16:45:11.144] Using adaptive light evaluation with 8 lights.

      [16:45:11.144] Light tree is enabled with clamp coefficient 0.1 and even split coefficient 0.5.

      [16:45:11.148] Using lowest thread priority.

      [16:45:11.148] Max ray intensity is enabled: rendered result may have incorrect brightness.

      [16:45:11.150] Consistent lighting elements are enabled.

      [16:45:12.458] 1298 render object(s)

      [16:45:12.458] 1299 render instance(s)

      [16:45:12.462] 1 render light(s)

      [16:45:12.462] Task started : Collecting node materials and texture maps...

      [16:45:12.462] Task ended : Collecting node materials and texture maps... (completed in 0h 0m 0,0s)

      [16:45:12.476] Found 41 materials/texture maps

      [16:45:12.497] Preparing lights list

      [16:45:12.500] Expanding light exclude lists

      [16:45:12.501] Setting up instance lights

      [16:45:12.548] Rendering frame at time 1600

      [16:45:12.559] Estimated progressive buffer memory usage of 47104 MB is over the limit of 2048 MB. Falling back to per-pixel filtering.

      [16:45:12.559] Task started : Loading bitmaps...

      [16:45:12.586] Task ended : Loading bitmaps... (completed in 0h 0m 0,0s)

      [16:45:12.586] Task started : Updating objects

      [16:45:13.601] Task ended : Updating objects (completed in 0h 0m 1,0s)

      [16:45:13.601] Task started : Updating instances

      [16:45:13.815] Task ended : Updating instances (completed in 0h 0m 0,2s)

      [16:45:13.818] 1298 opaque, 349 double-sided render instances found out of 1299 total

      [16:45:13.818] Task started : Preparing lights

      [16:45:13.818] Task ended : Preparing lights (completed in 0h 0m 0,0s)

      [16:45:13.826] Scene setup: 1.3 s

      [16:45:13.859] SDTree statistics:

      [16:45:13.859] Total number of faces stored: 199823

      [16:45:13.859] Max tree depth: 23

      [16:45:13.859] Average tree depth: 16.9902

      [16:45:13.859] Number of tree nodes: 36941

      [16:45:13.865] Number of tree faces: 367893

      [16:45:13.865] Number of tree leaves: 16363

      [16:45:13.865] Average faces/leaf: 22.4832

      [16:45:13.865] Task started : Compiling scene geometry

      [16:45:13.938] Task ended : Compiling scene geometry (completed in 0h 0m 0,1s)

      [16:45:13.942] Using Embree ray tracing.

      [16:45:13.943] Task started : Building Embree static accelerator...

      [16:45:14.214] Task ended : Building Embree static accelerator... (completed in 0h 0m 0,3s)

      [16:45:14.214] Building Embree static trees took 272 milliseconds, memory used 438.84 MB

      [16:45:14.214] Task started : Building Embree dynamic geometry tree...

      [16:45:14.214] Embree dynamic geometry tree contains 0 primitives.

      [16:45:14.214] Embree dynamic geometry tree built in 0.05 ms.

      [16:45:14.216] Task ended : Building Embree dynamic geometry tree... (completed in 0h 0m 0,0s)

      [16:45:14.216] Embree dynamic geometry tree takes 0.00 MB.

      [16:45:14.225] Using 1.60 MB for adaptive lights buffer

      [16:45:14.573] Building light cache.

      [16:45:15.857] Tracing 1000000 image samples for light cache in 64 passes.

      [16:45:15.862] Task started : Building light cache...

      [16:45:16.889] Task ended : Building light cache... (completed in 0h 0m 1,0s)

      [16:45:16.890] Merging light cache passes.

      [16:45:16.891] Task started : Merging light cache passes...

      [16:45:16.925] Task ended : Merging light cache passes... (completed in 0h 0m 0,0s)

      [16:45:16.925] Light cache contains 5928 samples.

      [16:45:16.930] Light cache base memory usage is 1.6 MB.

      [16:45:16.930] Using premultiplied light cache.

      [16:45:16.930] Adaptive light grid is empty, no build required.

      [16:45:16.978] Task started : Rendering image...

      [16:45:16.979] Start progressive rendering, server mode 0, perform rendering 1

      [16:45:17.421] Progressive sampling base buffer memory usage: 6670.00 MB

      [16:45:53.337] Bitmap file "W:\00_3D-ABTEILUNG_Bibliothek\13_Chaos_Cosmos\Packages\3D_M odels\Furniture\Bookcase_004_992820ab\Assets\99282 0ab_Wood_Bump_1k_raw.tx" loaded.

      [16:46:08.119] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.142857

      [16:46:24.492] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.090909

      [16:46:41.509] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.052632

      [16:46:58.903] Noise threshold goal set: 0.050000

      [16:48:46.410] Bitmap file "W:\00_3D-ABTEILUNG_Bibliothek\13_Chaos_Cosmos\Packages\3D_M odels\Furniture\Shelf_96-18_b5e1cf89\Assets\b5e1cf89_Frame_bump_3dh_raw.tx" loaded.

      [16:48:46.557] Bitmap file "W:\00_3D-ABTEILUNG_Bibliothek\13_Chaos_Cosmos\Packages\3D_M odels\Furniture\Shelf_96-18_b5e1cf89\Assets\b5e1cf89_Frame_Rough_3dh_raw.tx " loaded.

      [16:50:29.733] Progressive rendering finished: specified noise level reached

      [16:50:29.744] Sampling level reached: 10.25 subdivs (284 passes)

      [16:50:29.750] Task ended : Rendering image... (completed in 0h 5m 12,8s)

      [16:50:29.754] Number of raycasts: 629281981 (9.38 per pixel)

      [16:50:29.755] Camera rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel)

      [16:50:29.759] Shadow rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel)

      [16:50:29.759] GI rays: 570083325 (8.49 per pixel)

      [16:50:29.759] Reflection rays: 59198656 (0.88 per pixel)

      [16:50:29.759] Refraction rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel)

      [16:50:29.759] Unshaded rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel)

      [16:50:29.762] Peak memory for frame 10: 13,99 GiB collected for 22 categories

      [16:50:29.762] Peak memory for "Bitmap": 1,00 GiB

      [16:50:29.762] Peak memory for "Bucket image sampler": 0 B

      [16:50:29.762] Peak memory for "Dynamic displaced geometry": 0 B

      [16:50:29.762] Peak memory for "Dynamic geometry": < 1 MiB

      [16:50:29.763] Peak memory for "Dynamic moving displaced geometry": 0 B

      [16:50:29.763] Peak memory for "Dynamic moving geometry": 0 B

      [16:50:29.763] Peak memory for "GI": 3,36 MiB

      [16:50:29.763] Peak memory for "Lights": 0 B

      [16:50:29.763] Peak memory for "Misc.": 609,03 MiB

      [16:50:29.764] Peak memory for "Misc. displaced geometry": 0 B

      [16:50:29.764] Peak memory for "Misc. geometry": 0 B

      [16:50:29.764] Peak memory for "Misc. moving displaced geometry": 0 B

      [16:50:29.764] Peak memory for "Misc. moving geometry": 0 B

      [16:50:29.764] Peak memory for "Progressive image sampler": 7,22 GiB

      [16:50:29.765] Peak memory for "Static displaced geometry": 0 B

      [16:50:29.765] Peak memory for "Static geometry": 423,97 MiB

      [16:50:29.765] Peak memory for "Static hair": 0 B

      [16:50:29.765] Peak memory for "Static moving displaced geometry": 0 B

      [16:50:29.765] Peak memory for "Static moving geometry": 0 B

      [16:50:29.766] Peak memory for "Static moving hair": 0 B

      [16:50:29.766] Peak memory for "Tiled bitmap": 877,65 MiB

      [16:50:29.766] Peak memory for "VFB": 3,90 GiB

      [16:50:29.767] Light cache utilization: 2.12%

      [16:50:29.767] Premultiplied light cache utilization: 15.70%

      [16:50:29.803] Maximum memory usage for resman: 0.00 MB

      [16:50:29.824] Number of intersectable primitives: 4269967

      [16:50:29.825] SD triangles: 4269967

      [16:50:29.825] MB triangles: 0

      [16:50:29.825] Static primitives: 0

      [16:50:29.829] Moving primitives: 0

      [16:50:29.829] Infinite primitives: 0

      [16:50:29.829] Static hair segments: 0

      [16:50:29.829] Moving hair segments: 0

      [16:50:30.462] Region rendering: 316.2 s

      [16:50:30.468] Total frame time: 317.9 s

      [16:50:50.232] Maximum memory usage for texman: 0.00 MB

      [16:50:50.333] Maximum memory usage for attributes: 0.00 MB

      [16:50:50.334] Total sequence time: 340.0 s

      [16:50:50.336] Warning : 0 error(s), 3 warning(s)

      [16:50:50.343] ================================
      Last edited by jens_mittendorf; 10-04-2024, 04:18 AM.


      • #4
        after 2 min rendering it reached the 0.05 threshold set in the render settings, but it keeps rendering 4 min more
        Could you send us this scene for a test? Please simplify it as much as you can while it still reproduces the issue and send it the support contact form for review.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Originally posted by vladimir_krastev View Post

          Could you send us this scene for a test? Please simplify it as much as you can while it still reproduces the issue and send it the support contact form for review.
          Hello, sorry for the delay!
          This problem happens in all scenes. Setting the treshold goal does not stop the render process. When rendering a frame, no big problem, since I stop them manually, but when baking textures is a problem, since I can not stop them.​

          Sending scene to support contact
          thank you

          Progressive rendering:​

          Click image for larger version

Name:	progessive_rendering_01.jpg
Views:	324
Size:	259.1 KB
ID:	1209909
          Baking Texture:

          Click image for larger version

Name:	bake_texture_01.jpg
Views:	308
Size:	273.2 KB
ID:	1209910


          • #6

            This is because as the message states - we've set the noise threshold goal. This doesn't mean we've reached that goal Those messages are part of the progressive noise threshold lowering algorithm - the idea is that we set some high noise threshold goal and once all pixels reach that goal we lower it. That way the noise over the whole image is a bit more consistent even if you don't wait till the end.

            So in your log you have f.e these
            1. [16:46:08.119] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.142857
            2. [16:46:24.492] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.090909
            3. [16:46:41.509] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.052632
            4. [16:46:58.903] Noise threshold goal set: 0.050000
            Here at line (2) we set the goal to 0.090909, then after some rendering noise in all pixels gets to that value of 0.0909 so we lower the goal to 0.0526 (line 3). After some more rendering the noise level 0.0526 and we change the goal to the final setting 0.050 but in this moment we have not yet reached it. That is why it continues rendering..

            Best regards,

            Yavor Rubenov
            V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


            • #7
              Originally posted by yavor.rubenov View Post

              This is because as the message states - we've set the noise threshold goal. This doesn't mean we've reached that goal Those messages are part of the progressive noise threshold lowering algorithm - the idea is that we set some high noise threshold goal and once all pixels reach that goal we lower it. That way the noise over the whole image is a bit more consistent even if you don't wait till the end.

              So in your log you have f.e these
              1. [16:46:08.119] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.142857
              2. [16:46:24.492] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.090909
              3. [16:46:41.509] Noise threshold goal lowered to 0.052632
              4. [16:46:58.903] Noise threshold goal set: 0.050000
              Here at line (2) we set the goal to 0.090909, then after some rendering noise in all pixels gets to that value of 0.0909 so we lower the goal to 0.0526 (line 3). After some more rendering the noise level 0.0526 and we change the goal to the final setting 0.050 but in this moment we have not yet reached it. That is why it continues rendering..

              Best regards,
              Hi Yavor, thank you for your answer!

              I understand the idea. But here are my questions:

              1. As you can read in both images, the rendering process seems to be stopped because: "Progressive rendering finished:maximum sampling level reached" If I understand that well, it means that for the max. subdivs that I put on the render config,, in this case by defeult "100", So the rendering is not stopping because it got to the noise treshold goal, but because it reached the maximum number of samples we allow it to do. is that right?

              2. I understand that lowering the noise is a process that gets slower every time it lowers the goal. But, for example in the second screenshoot (Baking Textures), why is taking 40 seconds to go from 0.0909 to 0.052632 ( for what you just explained in your previous post, there are 40 seconds between these two log entries: [12:29:05.052] noise treshold goal lowered to 0.052632 and then [12:29:49.448] noise treshold goal lowered to 0.0500) and then is taking 21 minuts to lower the noise from 0.052632 to 0.05?

              Thank you!


              • #8
                1. As you can read in both images, the rendering process seems to be stopped because: "Progressive rendering finished:maximum sampling level reached" If I understand that well, it means that for the max. subdivs that I put on the render config,, in this case by defeult "100", So the rendering is not stopping because it got to the noise treshold goal, but because it reached the maximum number of samples we allow it to do. is that right?
                Yep you are right - both logs seem to reach the maximum sampling level.

                2. I understand that lowering the noise is a process that gets slower every time it lowers the goal. But, for example in the second screenshoot (Baking Textures), why is taking 40 seconds to go from 0.0909 to 0.052632 ( for what you just explained in your previous post, there are 40 seconds between these two log entries: [12:29:05.052] noise treshold goal lowered to 0.052632 and then [12:29:49.448] noise treshold goal lowered to 0.0500) and then is taking 21 minuts to lower the noise from 0.052632 to 0.05?
                The answer to the first question is the answer here too There are some pixels that don't cleanup even after taking many many samples - up to the maximum sampling level from your settings. Maybe there are some fireflies or something like that in your scene - can't really say without seeing it.
                Yavor Rubenov
                V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


                • #9
                  Originally posted by yavor.rubenov View Post
                  Yep you are right - both logs seem to reach the maximum sampling level.

                  The answer to the first question is the answer here too There are some pixels that don't cleanup even after taking many many samples - up to the maximum sampling level from your settings. Maybe there are some fireflies or something like that in your scene - can't really say without seeing it.
                  This sadly happens with ALL scenes. It always seems to keep rendering till the maximum sampling level is reached and ignoring the noise treshold, or if not ignoring, not been able to clear the image in the last step of lowering noise. For rendering frames is no big problem, because I stop all of them manually but when baking some textures, is a big problem, because it adds a lot of time to the process (I never do animations, but I guess that should also add a lot of rendering time in each frame without adding any visible quality or visible noise reduction to it). I already send a very simple scene to support, but if you want I upload it here. Also paste you here the same message I send on the contact form:


                  Setting a noise treshold with progressive rendering makes not stop the rendering process when that treshold is meet. The rendering process continues after that.

                  For rendering frames is no big problem, because I stop all of them manually but when baking some textures, is a big problem, because it adds a lot of time to the process.

                  I made a very simple scene to demostrate. There are also some images where you can see the vray log with the problem. Maybe there is some option or something that I have to "click" or "check" somewhere in the render settings?

                  I made a post on the forums a while ago about it:

                  thank you
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by jens_mittendorf; 12-06-2024, 02:50 AM.

