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AOV for shadows/reflections on matte objects?

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  • AOV for shadows/reflections on matte objects?

    I am rendering CG for a live action plate and I've got a scene full of matte objects. The main CG is being rendered over a reflective table, which I have created a matte object to match the real object. I have gone through most(I think all, but maybe I'm missing something without realizing) of the AOV's (related to shadows/reflections) and it seems like none of them will give me anything on the matte objects. For example, the VrayRawReflection only gives me the reflection on my non-matte objects. The same goes for all of the shadow passes. They give me the shadows on the non-matte objects, but nothing on the matte object itself.

    I can't get my shadows/reflection to my liking via the render and I would like to be able to darken them in Nuke. I've done a hack-job way that allows me to darken the plate in those areas, the issue is, I need the reflections to be darker but the shadows to remain the same, but I can only darken/lighten them together (the shadows and the reflection).

    Why don't any of the AOV's for shadow OR reflection show me anything on the matte objects? Is there a way to get the AOV's to work there? (and just to be clear, there IS a shadow AND a reflection in the render that is contained in the alpha channel of the render, but I have no way of controlling them individually).

    Thanks for your help

  • #2
    We render the shadow and the reflection matte objects as separate render passes using state sets.


    • #3
      Hi, thanks for posting. If you want to use render elements over the matte object you have to render twice. You could use the alpha from the matte pass as a mask.
      In my test there is a plane and a box with reflective material. With these settings for the plane (the matte surface):
      Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1amL9xS9ZgWHZOuR-hiLyASuUeWacU_Hb&authuser=0.png
Views:	113
Size:	44.4 KB
ID:	1216577

      You'll get this for the Alpha and RGB
      Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1AsfRauYYobA0lXXuG4Gm0qVecd-agMV0&authuser=0.gif
Views:	98
Size:	147.3 KB
ID:	1216578

      This Alpha could be used as a mask to adjust only the reflections that are over the plane.
      Last edited by vladimir_krastev; 24-09-2024, 08:07 AM.
      Vladimir Krastev |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us

