vrscene saved out of 3dsmax, vray 7, using unc paths.
When I render the vrscene in standalone for linux (the same scene renders 11% faster then using windows) the path remapping does wery well remap the unc paths of all the assets.
The path remapping is set to
Unfortunately it does not work with the translation of the vrimg output path, path remapping produces an error here.
In the section SettingsOutput output_settings
the path is translated not properly to:
error: [checkAndCreateDirectoryStructures] -1: Error creating image output directory
error: [createPathImpl] 22: \\fileserver\projects\abc\render\/ (22) ...
correctly would be:
When i manually enter the path, or remove it, then the scene renders fine
Kind regards
vrscene saved out of 3dsmax, vray 7, using unc paths.
When I render the vrscene in standalone for linux (the same scene renders 11% faster then using windows) the path remapping does wery well remap the unc paths of all the assets.
The path remapping is set to
Unfortunately it does not work with the translation of the vrimg output path, path remapping produces an error here.
In the section SettingsOutput output_settings
the path is translated not properly to:
error: [checkAndCreateDirectoryStructures] -1: Error creating image output directory
error: [createPathImpl] 22: \\fileserver\projects\abc\render\/ (22) ...
correctly would be:
When i manually enter the path, or remove it, then the scene renders fine
Kind regards