Sorry if this is a noob question, but Im not too interested in installing stuff, just want things to work ,and ususally people here do it for me, but this time Im in a hurry.
I Recenty upgraded my computer from Win2000 and 3DsMax7 to XP and 3DsMax8. When I try to reinstall my vray licens with my old codes it doesnt function (and also I get a message that my version is
too old and might not function with max
. I have not received any uppgrades on Vray but are off course interested in those if available. I took for granted that there were no upgrades. I do NOT get a request code when installing even though the installer claims everything to be fine.
The earlier 3DsMax-installation was on another drive. I have deleted vrayfiles from there.
offcourse I have emailed chaos on the subject but I really need to get on with production now.
Thanks in advance for your answers, I really need to get on
with this issue quite soon. Let me know what information you need from me and where I can get it.
I Recenty upgraded my computer from Win2000 and 3DsMax7 to XP and 3DsMax8. When I try to reinstall my vray licens with my old codes it doesnt function (and also I get a message that my version is
too old and might not function with max

The earlier 3DsMax-installation was on another drive. I have deleted vrayfiles from there.
offcourse I have emailed chaos on the subject but I really need to get on with production now.
Thanks in advance for your answers, I really need to get on
with this issue quite soon. Let me know what information you need from me and where I can get it.