Hi there,
Have not yet found the time to install RC3. Maybe this bug has allready
been solved ?
When reading through the RC3 Fix List, I see that some Affect Shadow
problmes were solved.. but those seem to be different from my problem.
I noticed that my water material renders different on DR machines.

When you look at the water you will notice some buckets that are bright and some are dark. The darker ones were those rendered local while all the brighter buckets come from the DR machines. This only happens when "Affect Shadow" is turned on. Actually when Affect Shadow is turned off
the problem is gone. Also when Affect Shadow is turned on but I disable the fog (default settings) it works well.
Have not yet found the time to install RC3. Maybe this bug has allready
been solved ?

When reading through the RC3 Fix List, I see that some Affect Shadow
problmes were solved.. but those seem to be different from my problem.
I noticed that my water material renders different on DR machines.

When you look at the water you will notice some buckets that are bright and some are dark. The darker ones were those rendered local while all the brighter buckets come from the DR machines. This only happens when "Affect Shadow" is turned on. Actually when Affect Shadow is turned off
the problem is gone. Also when Affect Shadow is turned on but I disable the fog (default settings) it works well.