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Vray crashes high res rendering

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  • Vray crashes high res rendering


    I am trying to render my image to 3400x2200 with vray 1.50 but it crashes as soon as it gets to "preparing global light manager"
    I’m using VIZ2006 on a Xeon Dual 2.40GHz, 2GB Ram

    I tried using dynamic under system rollout but it takes 20 hours to render

    see link for my vray settings and rendering image

    Please help me


  • #2
    Vray and raytrace = bad that's all IMO


    • #3
      I removed all the raytraced materials, and it crashed again

      Anyone else? Please; I need to deliver this image to the client in high resolution


      • #4
        Have you tried saving to a vrimg?
        Eric Boer


        • #5

          Can you please explain a bit more; I’m new to vray, what’s vrimg?

          Thank you


          • #6
            If your render crashes because of memory problems, you can try to save it to a vrimg in vray frame buffer. There you define your resolution, You can uncheck render to memory, and in max's size you put something small like 20x20.
            This way your render will directly be written to your vrimg and it will save you a lot of ram.
            Then you can open the file in max and save it to a different image format, or use the vrimg2exr tool.

            Also check this old topic:


            • #7
              Ok, now it’s rendering thanks a lot, but it estimates the render time to about 5.5 hours, is it normal in vray for high res renderings?


              • #8
                Originally posted by mjaco
                Ok, now it’s rendering thanks a lot, but it estimates the render time to about 5.5 hours, is it normal in vray for high res renderings?
                That all depends on your settings, remeber that you can lower the imap min/max by 1 for every time you double the output size and get the same detail. so -1/-3 at 300x600 would look the same as -2/-4 at 600x1200 and render faster than if left at -1/-3 for the big render.
                Eric Boer


                • #9
                  Im rendering it with saved ir and lc maps

                  ok this is starting to get to me now it's up to 19 hours again same as the dynamic memory mode

                  is there anythhing i can do about this? i've just spend this $800 thinking i'll speed up my rendering time

                  could it be becouse i'm using some regular non vray mtrerials?


                  • #10
                    regular (standard max) materials will be slower than vray materials. But not that much.

                    Just make sure your not using any raytrace or max's architectual materials.

                    I dont have an account on cgarchitect so I cant see your render settings, can you brielfy run down what they are.

                    Also perhaps your IR map is funny, that can sometimes cause slow renders, might be a good idea to re-calc your IR and LC map especially since you removed the raytrace materials.


                    • #11
                      I'll try a new IR Map

                      There is no raytrace or architectural materials in there, just a few standard ones

                      Here is some settings

                      Primary=IM Very low /HSph 40 / Interp samples 20
                      Secondary=LC/ Subdivs-300 / Sample size 0.01/ passes-2 /



                      • #12
                        Hmm seems ok.. should be ok.

                        What about your AA and rQMC settings.

                        Can you post an image of your render so we can see whats going on?
                        (try if you dont have an image host)


                        • #13
                          as daforce says, looking at your settings and scene it shouldn't take that long to render. can you show us your rqmc and glossy materials settings?


                          • #14
                            My Image sampler (Antialiasing)
                            Image Sampler-Adaptive QMC / Antialiasing Filter-Mitchel Netravali / Ringing and blur 0.33 /

                            My rQMC Sampler
                            Adaptive amount-0.85 / Noise threshold-0.01 / Mun Sample-8 / Globel subdivs-1.0 / Time independent-Checked / Path sampler-Defoult /

                            My Adaptive rQMC Settings
                            rQMC Sampler=Min-1 / Max-4 / Use QMC Sampler thresh-Checked

                            I'm gono look into uploading my rendering soon

                            Thanks for helping


                            • #15
                              and what kind of lights do you have in scene? either I always missed a "preparing global light manager" message, or this is the first time I hear about it.

