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Affect shadows & alpha fixed yet ?

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  • Affect shadows & alpha fixed yet ?

    I read this in the RC3 changelog :

    Known issues:
    "Affect shadows" and "Affect alpha" options do not work for VRayMtl's inside a Multi/subobject material. This will be fixed as soon as possible.

    I'm a big user of multimaterial for my frames + glass, so i've not switched yet to 1.5 RC3 because of this.

    My question is: do we have to wait 1.5 RC4 for this to be fixed, or does it has been fixed already in the actual RC3 build ? (i can't wait to have a vertical shift guess in vRay cams )

    thanks in advance
    Philippe Steels
    Pixelab - Blog - Flickr

  • #2
    RC3 is still broken in that sense, however you can get around it buy wrapping your glass material in a vrayblendmtl and then stick it in your multisub.


    • #3
      yes it has been fixed and will be in the next build.
      Chris Jackson


      • #4
        Thanks for the quick replies . I'll wait for the next release, i don't want to change all my scenes only for a bug
        Philippe Steels
        Pixelab - Blog - Flickr


        • #5
          Originally posted by DaForce
          RC3 is still broken in that sense, however you can get around it buy wrapping your glass material in a vrayblendmtl and then stick it in your multisub.
          hmm, I am eperiencing that on an interior shot. I am using vray suan and sky to illumiate the room, vray cam and muti sub object materials for different types of glass in a frame, i want to have a alpha info so that i can drop actual photos so that they can be scene through the windows, but I dont get any alpha info...

          i have affect alpha ticked, and a multi material with the vray blend material wrapping the id'ed vray material... no joy though....?????


          • #6
            It should work just fine. Can you show me a screen shot of your material setup.. including all teh sub materials.. starting from the multi sub.


            • #7
              ok.. any quick way to upload images on this forum... tried withough multimaterial and it works fine..


              • #8

                And yeah it works outside of multimaterial, but thats not the bug, and the work-around does work.. so im curious why its not working for you.


                • #9
                  here you go...

                  have another problem too.. and will post another couple of screengrabs...


                  • #10
                    Sorry, I wasnt clear enough. Dont put anything in the coat slots, just put your normal glass material in the Base slot only.

                    See how you go with that.


                    • #11
                      oops that was me trying to get it to work... tried without.. same..

                      here are some other problems... i have a floating glass floor, you can see if i remove the geometry with the glass you can see the thinkness of the inset floor, the second image is withough the glass floor geometry.. adn you can see the thinkness of the floor..

                      totally confused...

                      and image 2..


                      • #12
                        and here is more of the material settings...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by t3dm
                          oops that was me trying to get it to work... tried without.. same..

                          here are some other problems... i have a floating glass floor, you can see if i remove the geometry with the glass you can see the thinkness of the inset floor, the second image is withough the glass floor geometry.. adn you can see the thinkness of the floor..

                          totally confused...

                          and image 2..

                          dam had the refraction index of the glass set at 1.6... set it to 1.0.. no probs on this front... the first problem is still a problem.


                          • #14
                            Here is the original "fix" post.
                            Skim thru it and make sure you havnt missed anything.

                            As for the other problems, those images just confused me.. I dont really know what im looking at..
                            If you can explain what im looking at I might be able to help you..

                            Ahh, if you want, upload a part of the scene ( and I can have a look at it for you.


                            • #15
                              Setting the glass to 1.0 is kinda wrong, its not really glass then. It should work fine using 1.6 or so. odd.

