Hi all,
I’m looking for methods to make the shadow less black in a GI scene. I'm not trying to make them more soft but decrease their opacity.
I’m beginning with vray and I found a way to do that but I’m not sure it’s the cleanest way to have best result.
- The first image was computed using QMC for primary bounce’s GI (none for second) and an VrayHDRI basic blue sky for sky light + a VRaySun with basic settings and intensity multiplier set to 0,001.
- The second has same parameters but i’ve changed color mapping Linear multiply to Gamma correction (1-0,8-1,5) as you can see :

This method is effective but it act on the final image colors, so at very last step of computing… it’s not a problem for me in this case but maybe someone here know different way ?
Changing sun shadow bias, or primary bounce multiplier number has no incidence on the blackness off the shadows, and increase the HDRI multiplier make the image burned (sorry for my french). The scene is an animation so i can't use irradiance bounces.
Who can tell me more ?
Thank you for your opinion !!
I’m looking for methods to make the shadow less black in a GI scene. I'm not trying to make them more soft but decrease their opacity.
I’m beginning with vray and I found a way to do that but I’m not sure it’s the cleanest way to have best result.
- The first image was computed using QMC for primary bounce’s GI (none for second) and an VrayHDRI basic blue sky for sky light + a VRaySun with basic settings and intensity multiplier set to 0,001.
- The second has same parameters but i’ve changed color mapping Linear multiply to Gamma correction (1-0,8-1,5) as you can see :

This method is effective but it act on the final image colors, so at very last step of computing… it’s not a problem for me in this case but maybe someone here know different way ?
Changing sun shadow bias, or primary bounce multiplier number has no incidence on the blackness off the shadows, and increase the HDRI multiplier make the image burned (sorry for my french). The scene is an animation so i can't use irradiance bounces.
Who can tell me more ?
Thank you for your opinion !!