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rc3 x64 mat crash

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  • rc3 x64 mat crash

    Changing a diffused slot from bitmap to 'none' pretty reliably crashes, in this particular scene im working on.

    its an imported sketch up model and the only way i can get the diffuse slot back to its original colour with out the crash it to change the map value to zero so its just using the colour anyway.

    the crash does not occur in a blank scene.

  • #2
    Which 3dsmax version are you using?

    Since the crash does not happen here when I tried it, can you send me to I scene with which I can reproduce that?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Re: rc3 x64 mat crash

      Originally posted by werticus
      Changing a diffused slot from bitmap to 'none' pretty reliably crashes, in this particular scene im working on.

      its an imported sketch up model and the only way i can get the diffuse slot back to its original colour with out the crash it to change the map value to zero so its just using the colour anyway.

      the crash does not occur in a blank scene.

      this happened on one max scene we had.. have you tried re merging your scene into a blank max file??


      • #4
        great! I got to test it again so i can write accurate instructions for you vlado, and Its not crashing anymore!

        I cleaned up the scene a bit to drop the file size and that fixed the problem. as far as i can tell.

        I'm getting that slow loading material's bug that may be related.


        • #5
          This is max 9, and or DirectX and windows. We crash constantly with matierals, material editor or even just opening a scene with smooth and highight on in the view port.


          • #6
            Originally posted by meanadam
            This is max 9, and or DirectX and windows. We crash constantly with matierals, material editor or even just opening a scene with smooth and highight on in the view port.
            Great... And here I am getting ready to take the MAX 9/ 1.5rc3/ XP64bit route next week with a new machine and everything and now I'm hearing stuff like this.


            • #7
              MegaPixel- it all works well. Make the move and you wont look back
              Chris Jackson


              • #8
                Originally posted by jacksc02
                MegaPixel- it all works well. Make the move and you wont look back
                Woohoo! "Starts dancing a jig"


                • #9
                  Re: rc3 x64 mat crash

                  Originally posted by werticus
                  Changing a diffused slot from bitmap to 'none' pretty reliably crashes, in this particular scene im working on.
                  How are you changing it to NONE? Try doing this from the "Maps" rollout rather than from the small button next to the diffuse color.

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    doing it from the maps roll out makes no difference (by dragging a blank slot on top of another)

                    in any case the bug is very inconsistent - i had it crash once on me in another scene yesterday but otherwise it hasn't happened since i made this topic.


                    • #11
                      I think I've been able to track this down, try to work around it for future builds. It's odd as this seems to work fine in max8...

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #12
                        yeah never had the problem before - it certainly shouldn't be crashing, amazing how many bugs appeared with max9.


                        • #13
                          I have had exactly the same problem with max 9 and vray. I had no problems at all with max 8 other than the norm. I have found that if you switch from direct x back to open gl none of the problems described occur.
                          One thing that is really bugging me is that my material editor updates extremely slowely with max9 and vray mtls. its painfully slow. And no i dont have any heavy maps in the material slots before that qeustion is asked.
                          I also get black squares in my material editor windows

                          Can some one think of a solution to the problem


                          Another long and sleepless night.


                          • #14
                            i think vlado has sorted it out. Stay tuned for a new build some time soon
                            Chris Jackson


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by nebille
                              One thing that is really bugging me is that my material editor updates extremely slowely with max9 and vray mtls. its painfully slow. And no i dont have any heavy maps in the material slots before that qeustion is asked.
                              I'm having much the same problem. I'm using Max 9/23bit and the latest build of Vray. Any material that uses a Vray Wrapper, if I attempt to delete it from the material editor I get a crash. It then doesn't allow me to open the file as it immediately crashes on each open. I've had some other flakiness as noted above with changing bitmaps to None, or attempting to remove/replace multiSub materials.

                              I would sure be happy if this was solved as I'm scared to death of changing the wrong material, and have to stay away from certain materials. Which means I have fewer and fewer slots to work with each day on this project.

