Hi everybody,
we have recently switched from irradiance map + QMC to irr map + LC. It's much more faster (rendering and preparing the vrmap) but we have som quality problems. We've been checking every parameter but maybe not the correct way. Do you know how can we reduce this black blotches? I also attach the rendering setup.
We only have this problem when preparing a vrmap every 5 frames. If we render a single frame it's perfect.

we have recently switched from irradiance map + QMC to irr map + LC. It's much more faster (rendering and preparing the vrmap) but we have som quality problems. We've been checking every parameter but maybe not the correct way. Do you know how can we reduce this black blotches? I also attach the rendering setup.
We only have this problem when preparing a vrmap every 5 frames. If we render a single frame it's perfect.
