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PArray won't render on DR-nodes

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  • PArray won't render on DR-nodes

    I'm having some trouble with PArray's.

    Working with Max 9 x64, rev3 and vray 1.50.00.
    There's a known Max-bug regarding the PArray Rate not working, but having some other trouble with it as well.

    1. Sometimes when the PArray isn't shown in the viewport due to complex scene or redraw-issues, then it won't render either.

    2. The Viewport display percentage affects the render, ie if set to display 10% it will only render 10% as well...

    3. And finally, when using DR the PArray's won't be rendered by the nodes, only by the host.

    Anyone know a solution or workaround?

    EDIT: When tried to recreate this in a new scene, i only imported the PArray's and the base geometry for particles and emitters, i had none of the above mentioned problems... so i guess it seems to have to do with no.1 - complex scenes
    3DV - Ruud van Reenen

  • #2

    Same problem still: DR nodes not rendering the PArrays.

    It seems only to happen with bigger scenes and PArrays with high numbers.
    Using hedges with 55000-60000 instanced leafs as particles.
    Rendering without DR works fine.

    Workstation: Max 2008 x64, Vray 1.5 SP2, Win Server 2003 Standard x64 SP2
    Node1: Max 2008 x64, Vray 1.5 SP2, Vista Ultimate x64
    Node2: Max 2008 x64, Vray 1.5 SP2, XP Pro x64

    It's not network-path related, all maps work fine and enabled missing maps check.

    I suspect it's a Max bug, since in some cases the viewport stops displaying the PARRAY previews, when numbers are between 55000-64000(maximum). Ofcourse without any viewport degradation enabled.

    Chopping up the hedges in smaller volumes and using less particles per volume seems a way to work around it, but a real solution would be very welcome.

    Greetz, Ruud
    Attached Files
    3DV - Ruud van Reenen


    • #3
      If you take a look at the vraylog.txt file on the render slaves, what kind of info does it say about the PArray objects? Are the any warnings and such?

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        No errors in log, only these lines mentioning the PArray's:

        [2008/Apr/29|16:38:24] Creating render mesh for "PArray-A2": fixed mesh
        [2008/Apr/29|16:38:24] Creating render mesh for "PArray-B1": fixed mesh
        [2008/Apr/29|16:38:24] Creating render mesh for "PArray-B2": fixed mesh

        [2008/Apr/29|16:39:16] Updating object PArray-A2
        [2008/Apr/29|16:39:16] Validity for object "PArray-A2" is [480, 480]
        [2008/Apr/29|16:39:16] Updating object PArray-B1
        [2008/Apr/29|16:39:16] Validity for object "PArray-B1" is [480, 480]
        [2008/Apr/29|16:39:16] Updating object PArray-B2
        [2008/Apr/29|16:39:16] Validity for object "PArray-B2" is [480, 480]

        I am rendering frame 0003, single frame. The PArray's are set at speed 0, life 100
        Note that almost all other geometry has a validity [forever], except (on quick glance) the PArray's and RPC's: [480, 480].
        3DV - Ruud van Reenen


        • #5
          Yet another bump...

          Still having trouble with PArray in Vray, nodes don't render it.

          Also, the settings for 'Viewport Display: Percentage of particles' determines the amount of particles rendered as well. When set to 10%, only 10% will be rendered, and still, only by the workstation, the nodes render blank.

          Win XP Pro x64, Max 2008 x64, Vray 1.5 sp2 x64
          3DV - Ruud van Reenen


          • #6
            Ah well, the advantage: I learned how to use Particle Flow...

            Way more flexible
            3DV - Ruud van Reenen

