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Presampling Displacement & LC

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  • Presampling Displacement & LC

    Ive got a scene with quite a bit of 3d displacement, on the grass and a path.

    when i come to render using lc, its flicks from building light cache to presampling displacement, and it seems to use about 10% of my cpu.

    the system we're rendering on, are 2 x quad core 2.66ghz with 8gb ram.

    if i send it as dynamic memory type, it does alot of unloading geomerty.

    The scene does have lots of proxys as well. Is there a way i can get the light cache to go faster as when it hits the irmap it use's 100% cpu straight away.

    on my vraydisplacement modifier, i have the subd set to 256. could i go lower ?

    any help would be great

    Thanks !

  • #2
    oh and the displacement is set to 3d not 2d in the modifys settings.


    • #3
      increasing the edge length value will help but beyond a certain value will result in a unwanted displaced find a balance between performace and desired result with it
      2d mode would also be less memory hungry!
      Nuno de Castro
      00351 917593145


      • #4
        And also, increasing the Dynamic memory limit option may help.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          tried increasing the dynamic memory limit and the edge limit, this still didnt enable the lc to render using all cores.

          any other ideas?


          • #6
            If your using bitmaps for the displacement and your grass if fairly flat, switch back to 2d displacement and see how you go. With a low precision if your grass is infact flat like on a plane.. you will need higher if its on hills..etc..

