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night scene

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  • night scene

    I have that pool scene that I did a while back and the client wants a night time shot. Do I just delete the sun or turn it off? What kinda of lights do I use for the lamp lights...Vray Dome? Plane? etc. Why is the sky blue and why does it shrink when it's cold.....These are some of the many questions I have today..
    Eric Camper
    Studio 3D

  • #2
    If you delete the Sun the Earth will freeze.
    Think of it
    I just can't seem to trust myself
    So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
    CG Artist


    • #3
      Originally posted by Paul Oblomov View Post
      If you delete the Sun the Earth will freeze.
      Think of it
      yes and much shrinkage will occur. Think about it.

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #4
        just google it...

        Eric Boer


        • #5
          You could try the VRayMoon from the SDK...
          Dan Brew


          • #6
            And I guess the other question....If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around to hear it, does my shrinkage make a sound
            Eric Camper
            Studio 3D


            • #7
              VrayMoon..Are you joking...LOL... Or have I missed that joke completely...
              Eric Camper
              Studio 3D


              • #8
                I think he said about VrayUniverse. The last time I used it - I recreated a BlackHole. Pretty nice. LWF was usefull addition + vrayedgetex + caustics
                I just can't seem to trust myself
                So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
                CG Artist


                • #9
                  Well...LOL..I think I may have something....I just turned down the sun to about 5 am and turned the muliplier down to .01 Is this starting to look ok?
                  Attached Files
                  Eric Camper
                  Studio 3D


                  • #10
                    your getting there lol. sorry i couldnt comment i was laughing to hard 1!!!!1 omg you guys cracked me up with this one specially the google!
                    ROFL !!!
                    Ruben Gil


                    • #11
                      brrr...that pool looks cold. Much shrinkage going on methinks.

                      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                      • #12
                        significant shrinkage!
                        Nuno de Castro

                        00351 917593145


                        • #13
                          its also funny that nobody seems to have posted a helpful reply :P

                          I would but i dont have much experience at these types of scenes. IMHO though, I would say that you are on the right track regarding having some light in the scene instead of deleting the sun. If this is getting towards evening i would say that normally there would be a bit of colour in the sky on the horizon as the sun goes down making the image a bit warmer. If it is later than this, I think in photography with a long exposure will start to look like more of a dark blue on the horizon fading to black (could be completely wrong but you know what im getting at). If you cant get it looking good you could always go back to the old manual way of doing it by referencing photo's from the time that you are looking for.

                          BTW, you would want to hope that the pool is heated!


                          • #14
                            lol your right no one did really answer his questions i seem to always use vray sun and sky for these night shots. i bring the sun below the horizon and the vraysky in the enviroment slot seems to give me a decent amount of minimal light. However it give you a sunset look. Otherwise i would you use a night time hdri.


                            evermotion has some free dark ones which can give you that minimal light your looking for maybe. Hope it helps.
                            Ruben Gil


                            • #15
                              Here is an update. I did take the sun below the horizon and added some lights IN the pool. But the render times are 52:08. I think the lights under the water took it from 5 min to 50. Oh....And no problem on the question gone unanswered...LOL....I did open up that can. Pool is heated and try no to zoom in on speedo guy...He is starting to get a complex.
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by EricCamper; 20-12-2007, 07:51 AM. Reason: more to add
                              Eric Camper
                              Studio 3D

