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Backburner / batch /gamma problem

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  • Backburner / batch /gamma problem

    Hello people,

    I have this asked before but there was no sollution thus i'm trying again.
    We are now using 3dsmax 2008

    all pc's are set to 2.2 gamma, in the 3dsmax preference and i checked the 3dsmax.ini file
    all is set to 2.2

    now the problem.
    Batch rendering on a machine goes well and the images are saved with 2.2 gamma.
    Now when i submit a batch render > net render the images are saved with 1.0 gamma.

    i have tried searching everywhere but i cannot find a settings that will solve this. even setting the 2.2 gamma in the save file dialog to 2.2 does not work (still saved with 1.0 gamma)
    So i hope any1 has a sollution for this

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  • #2
    Gamma settings on your nodes are irrelavant. They should always use the settings of the host file. I've never had a problem with a node rendering at the wrong gamma, and I have never changed the gamma settings on a node or workstation for DR or BB.

    Are you saving as EXR? When EXR's are opened in Photoshop, the sRGB profile is automatically applied so that the image appears the same as the MFB. If you open the EXR in Bridge, it will appear without the sRGB profile and look too dark.

    It doesn't matter really because you can always correct the gamma in photoshop because its full-float. If it comes in too dark, just increase the gamma, or if double corrected for some reason, then .4545.

    With 8 or 16 bit formats, use the override of 2.2 when saving, like you mentioned. It should appear as in the MFB, or as in the VFB with sRGB checked. In this case its not relative, because the gamma is burned in, and you can't correctly fix it by adjusting the gamma in photoshop. If it appears wrong, then it is wrong.
    "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


    • #3
      Well, the frame buffer displays correct. the only thats that i going wrong that the image is saved in 1.0 gamma. (saving a jpg thus 8-bit)

      i know saving in a 32bit format would "solve" the problem because you can adjust the gamma afterwards.

      But well it's just quicker if i could save a jpg image directly. so i'm guessing i have to use color mapping to burn in the gamma?
      But like i said this is not the most logical way max should be doing things hehehe
      and the most weird part is it only happens when batch rendering a net render (backburner).
      Using normal render>net render goes well to weird.

      i have tried rendering with the normal frame buffer and the vray frame buffer, same result (1.0 gamma saved images). if i set override 2.2 gamma the images are still saved in 1.0 gamma....
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      • #4
        You don't need to use color mapping to burn the gamma into the jpeg. Just saving with an override of 2.2 does that.
        "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


        • #5
          Originally posted by Clifton Santiago View Post
          You don't need to use color mapping to burn the gamma into the jpeg. Just saving with an override of 2.2 does that.
          well problem is with batch net render the override does not seem to work. always saved 1.0 gamma
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          • #6
            I don't know then, it works for me. In fact, all my animations in the last 2 years have been saved as TGA files with override of 2.2.

            If you send to a commericial render farm, make sure they don't revert it back to default...
            "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


            • #7
              are you sure it works when using batch render? then it's getting more weird. we have tested multiple pc's with different managers. all same result.
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              • #8
                Batch net render? Do you mean backburner? I always use backburner and its fine. I even use DR via BB now, which is awesome...
                "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


                • #9
                  you save scene with gamma 2.2

                  reopen max and chance settings to 1.8

                  reopen max and load scene
                  gamma is 1.8 and not 2.2 - this settings are not updated !!!!
                  if u render now the gamma is 1.8

                  close max without save (scene is still 2.2)


                  batchrender on the PC with 1.8 the 2.2 scene
                  all is rendering correct !
                  the max.ini with the gamma settings is ignored during batch render (and backburner)

                  if you disable gammacorrection in the config (or other values are set) and render via batch or BB the
                  frame buffer maybe shows wrong gamma (display gamma) but save image correctly with 2.2


                  batch render command "-gammavalueout:2.2" and "-gammavaluein:2.2" do not work
                  you can activate and deactivate the gammacorrection via "-gammacorrection:1" and "..:0"
                  thats all - no value chance possible via cmd - Bug Bug

                  that should clear all issues concerning gamma stuff

                  grz from the farmer
                  Last edited by QuakeMarine1; 09-01-2008, 11:16 AM.
                  - moste powerfull Render farm in world -
                  RebusFarm --> 1450 nodes ! --> 2.900 CPU !! --> 20.000 cores !!!
                  just 2,9 to 1.2 cent per GHZ hour -->


                  • #10
                    1.8 gamma? WTF? Maybe if you're working with mac print graphics. Which we're not!

                    Sorry, don't mean to be rude QuakeMarine1, but that is all completely wrong.
                    "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


                    • #11
                      the 1.8 was just an example to show you what happen if you touch the gamme values

                      one of the points I mention should help you batchrendering with the correct gamma
                      - moste powerfull Render farm in world -
                      RebusFarm --> 1450 nodes ! --> 2.900 CPU !! --> 20.000 cores !!!
                      just 2,9 to 1.2 cent per GHZ hour -->


                      • #12
                        Oh, I see. Sorry, I was a bit drunk when I read that. I see your point now. Yes, when you change the gamma settings in a file, you need to save, close, and re-open. Not sure why that is.

                        But if you are starting all you new models with LWF, you never need to switch...
                        "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


                        • #13
                          QuakeMarine Thanks you very much, i'll try this out!!
                          for now all camera view are single submitted to the backburner, man this takes some time

                          Hope your sollution works!!
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                          • #14
                            Well i'm giving up, i aint getting it to work.

                            i have tried:
                            - removing all gamma settings from the ini file
                            - setting preference in 3dsmax>gamma all off
                            - setting different values such as 1.2

                            tried the save, restart, change thing you said

                            all images that i rendered were not saved in 2.2

                            boehoe. well hope autodesk will try to fix this
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                            • #15
                              Can you post the file or something? I could take a look.
                              "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"

