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Issues with animation IR mode

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  • Issues with animation IR mode

    Just trying to render something using a pre-calced irradiance map with the animation mode.

    Sending down a single frame to test what it looks like, no saving of light maps, took about 40 mins total - 20 mins for the irradiance map and 20 minutes for the render.

    Sending the IRmap down first, saving it out, and then using that to render pushes my render times up to over 2 hours. Still around 20 mins for the IRmap pre-calc, so I dont know where it's coming from.

    I'm using 'medium' preset, 80, 45
    And rendering with interp. frames on 3.
    Brute force secondary bounces on 8, 4.

    I cant really think of what could be causing this, anyone seen it before?

  • #2
    dynamic memory limit too low?
    Or are you just close to the actual RAM memory limit so some page filing is going on?

    We've recenlty had a HUGE scene, which on our normal Dual Quads 4 gig of RAM takes about 40 minutes - 1 hour & half a frame, we've just got 4 extra gig in three of our machines (so they are 8 gig), and these do the same scene in 2 minutes! All that swapping back and forth from disk into memory can really affect the render times......


    • #3
      I had a several issue. It could be the interpolation samples from the Irradiance Map . Try lower them and see if this helps.


      • #4
        with out repeating my thread too much. have a look here. same problem.


        • #5
          Originally posted by sv View Post
          All that swapping back and forth from disk into memory can really affect the render times......
          I dont think it's scene complexity causing it, even though it is in HD with motion blur on.

          Ive pre-calced a light cache on fly through mode for it so i'm going to switch to that instead of brute force, switch my interp samples to 20 from 45 and knock my interp frames down to 2 from 3.


          • #6
            switch the irrmap to nearest and try inter on 2 and irr samples on 15 speeds up alot.

