Well I really can confirm this bug with Vray 1.5 both SP1 and SP2.
When dragging a material in the material editor over one used in scene vray-material or changing a used vray material to a vray-blend-material 3dsmax 2008 64bit Version crashes.
It could be the memory usage that is on 64bit scenes higher, I'm not sure. I use the 32bit version now for changing the materials it crashes seldom, but also in the same occasions.
When dragging a material in the material editor over one used in scene vray-material or changing a used vray material to a vray-blend-material 3dsmax 2008 64bit Version crashes.
It could be the memory usage that is on 64bit scenes higher, I'm not sure. I use the 32bit version now for changing the materials it crashes seldom, but also in the same occasions.