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Changed to LWF, getting blotches

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  • Changed to LWF, getting blotches


    Having problems with my scene, I've just started with LWF, not sure if thats the problem, here is a jpeg crop of the blotches I'm getting and here is a list of my settings:

    render resolution = 2k

    Image sampler = DMC, 1 min 6 max

    vray sky in skylight and reflection

    Primary GI = Irradiance map, min = -4 max = -1

    Hemispherical Sub = 60

    Interp samples = 30

    clr = 0.3
    num = 0.1
    dist = 0.1

    Secondary GI = Brute force:

    subdivs = 12

    sec bounces = 3

    DMC settings =

    adaptive amount = 0.85

    min samples = 8

    noise thresshold = 0.01

    I have tried the follow with no avail:

    turn all mats to 50% grey with no reflection etc
    change sec GI to Lightcache - blurs the splotches
    increased secondary ray bias
    deleted everything in scene except for floors and walls
    put a reset X-form on all the objects then converted them to editable poly objects
    checked for coincident faces
    merged all into a new scene
    reset vray solution
    increased sample rate of brute force GI to 32 subdivs

    I'm on a really tight deadline so any help is appreciated.

    Thanks in Advance

    Attached Files

  • #2
    try to drop the noise threshold to 0.005 or similar and see what happens


    • #3
      That seems to have fixed the problem

      Thank you very much zeronove!

      Would you say that hemispherical subdivs should be at 60 and interp samples be around 20 for this render?

      It's taking quite a while to render now.


      • #4
        .01 noise threshold will only work well if your using adaptive subdivision as AA method. If your going with adaptive dmc AA, then .005 or even lower might be necessary.

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


        • #5
          if the lights settings are quite simple (location, colour and intensity) the default hsph subs values (50-20) should be enough; I can't say it viewing a so small part of your image (maybe a wire could help)


          • #6
            Would you say that hemispherical subdivs should be at 60 and interp samples be around 20 for this render?
            That will bite you in the rear! I would start off at medium 20/20 and go up from there. 60/20 might be overkill for some and not enough for others. I have had image that medium at 20/20 was just fine. If you make blanket statements like 60/20 then you'll think that is some magic setting and get frustrated when your simple scenes take hours to render.

            I fell into that trap
            Bobby Parker
            phone: 2188206812

            My current hardware setup:
            • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
            • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
            • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
            • ​Windows 11 Pro

