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VrayFur - Dynamic memory limit

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  • VrayFur - Dynamic memory limit

    Hi there,

    I'm currently trying VrayFur modifier and I find some stranger issues.

    I've made a very simple scene with a torus, plane and 2 lights.

    When I'm putting VrayFur on the torus with the dispertion at 1 I have all my cpus running fine.
    When I'm increasing the dispertion I have some cpus that are ide.
    Same for all my DRs.

    I have win xp pro 64 with 4 Go Ram.
    Vray 1.5 SP2

    By default I'm putting my Dynamic memory limit at 3500 Mo.

    When I do that, I have only 1 cpu running but my ram is only used at 15 - 20 %
    When I'm putting the Dynamic memory limit at 8000 Mo
    I have 3 out of my 4 cpu running.

    When I put the Dynamic memory limit at 20.000 Mo.
    I have all my 4 cpu running and same for all my DR.

    Why do I have to put the Dynamic memory limit so high?
    here I have a simple scene, but if I have a complex one and that I have to realy put the Dynamic memory limit to 3500 so that it doesn't break my render, all my cpu aren't running...

    Is this something normal ?


    3LP Team
    Last edited by 3LP; 30-09-2008, 10:05 PM.
    3LP Team

  • #2
    update :
    at the end of my irradiance map, my DR are now at 75% in the ram, and are rendering now with 1 - 2 or 3 cpu depending.

    Is VrayFur not so good optimised as VrayProxy ?
    With VrayProxy, I have done some forests without any problem and I assume there is a lot more polygons with a forest that I have with my simple scene and some VrayFur.

    edit :
    ok now I tried to put the fur on a large plane and my cpu is still working with 1 core and I did leave the Dynamic memory limit at 20.000 Mo.

    I don't understand why large amount of fur aren't using all cores of the cpus.
    Last edited by 3LP; 01-10-2008, 08:35 AM.
    3LP Team


    • #3
      It's better to make your emitter pretty dense (smaller polys) still though fur takes a lot of memory. I usually just keep breaking it up into layers until I can get it to render on all cores.
      Eric Boer


      • #4
        I'm hoping VRayFur gets more love, or it's canned alltogether in favour of Shave and Haircut for VRay


        • #5
          Hi RErender,

          Thanks for the tip.
          I will try to subdivide more my emitter but i think it's already enough subdivided.
          My other question, How do you break up your fur?
          I understand to take the emitter and to divide it in several peaces to render then as layer from back to front, but how about a animation where the cam is moving or is making a turn around ?
          My test was a turn table where the pedestal is made of grass.
          Is there another possibility to break the fur pass ? along zdeph with a falloff ?

          Thanks for your interest )

          3LP Team
          3LP Team

