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16core opteron workstation too slow!

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  • 16core opteron workstation too slow!

    I installed vray1.5 sp2 for 3dsmax 2009 on a 16core workstation
    (4xopteron 8360 - 16x2,50GHz)

    The result is horrible!
    The Worstation is too slow.

    In comparison with my older worstations is the rendertime twice-triply so much!
    (2xQuad Xeon 5345 - 8x2,33GHz)
    I tested more vray scene.

    Has anybody experience with the new AMD opterons?

  • #2
    Yep, there seems to be some issue there. We are unsure whether this is a software or a hardware problem (although it appears to be more likely related to memory bandwidth). I would suggest to run several different benchmarks (not necessarily with V-Ray or 3ds Max).

    From the 32-core hardware that we had access to, scaling from 8 to 16 cores was good, but beyond that things didn't really improve much. It depends on a lot of things though, I guess.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thanks Vlado,
      the system is 64-bit, with 24GB RAM.
      I try to find the Problem.



      • #4
        Im not an expert on AMD, personally I would never go with AMD because it has way too many issues, I would suggest to pick around the bios...perhaps a setting there could be at fault for slow performance.
        Also updating bios could solve the problem.
        Dmitry Vinnik
        Silhouette Images Inc.


        • #5
          Hi there. I dont know if I can help, but I had a similar problem when I bought my intel 5355's. I had 2 quad core cpus and they were a lot slower than my single quad core. I found out that the snoop setting in the bios can cause major performance issues if turned on. Maybe you need to turn that off and test again.

          Good luck


          My Portfolio


          • #6
            I updated the chipset driver and tryed several settings.
            Bios is new too.
            Everithing looks ok. But the Workstation is slow.


            • #7
              Did you try changing the snoop setting ?


              My Portfolio


              • #8
                Not yet.
                I try it. thanx.


                • #9
                  No snoop setting found in the BIOS.


                  • #10
                    2 hori : what kind of mobo are you using ? i got tyan s 4985-E and (4 soc ) and got no problem with speed only with amount of memory sticks.

                    btw : barcelona core is not the best i am waiting for shanghai 45 nm core but 16 core MUST be better that 8 core at the same speed ofcourse. ( amd vs intel )

                    i can do some test on max scene if you want ......


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Janosik View Post
                      2 hori : what kind of mobo are you using ? i got tyan s 4985-E and (4 soc ) and got no problem with speed only with amount of memory sticks.

                      btw : barcelona core is not the best i am waiting for shanghai 45 nm core but 16 core MUST be better that 8 core at the same speed ofcourse. ( amd vs intel )

                      i can do some test on max scene if you want ......
                      it was a hardwareproblem: the processors had a bug
                      I have today the pc with new processors and the system is ok!
                      4x opteron 8356 (16 x 2,3GHz)
                      the pc is now 30-40% faster as a dual xeon E5345 (8 x 2,33GHz)

                      but the pc is more expensive, as a xeon

                      2 Janosik: thanx. I would like to compare with an other 16core system. there is a new benchmarkscene?


                      • #12
                        2hori : no new test scene AFAIK but you can use last one or you can try cinemabench for testing too ....

                        BTW : what kind of bug was at cpu ? coz if you mean tlb bug on last barcelonas core there was nothing to fear , only in bios was disabled something and that lowered final power of cpus ....


                        • #13
                          2Janosik: The cpus were Stepping B2. Now I have cpus with Stepping B3.
                          The benchscene
                          run the workstation in 1:45 Min
                          I try some other benchs.
                          Witch prosessors you have?


                          • #14
                            2hori : in my case there are opterons 8216 ( 2,4 ghz ) so only dual core ones right now , as i said i am waiting for new 45 nm cores named Shanghai or for very low priced barcelonas cores ( dreaming ) so for now got only 8 cores ......

                            btw : what kind of mobo do you have ? got intel machine too and there is time around 2:46 for 8 cores 2,33 ghz .


                            • #15
                              I have the tyan S4980
                              I donĀ“t know when shanghai comes.
                              The Opteron 8346 cost approx. 1000$

