Hi. I'm having a problem with an animation scene i'm rendering.
after a while there are blue 'artefacts' on the renders.
the GI is Irradiance map with multiframe incremental. and the light cache is in single frame mode.
if i stop rendering the animation, and re-start, the renders are fine again.
i was wondering if anyone might know what's causing this.
i have a plane with the background environment mapped on. in the Vray properties for the object it's set to not generate GI or caustics, and is not visible to GI or visible in reflection.
first image attached is normal, and the other one show the blue
after a while there are blue 'artefacts' on the renders.
the GI is Irradiance map with multiframe incremental. and the light cache is in single frame mode.
if i stop rendering the animation, and re-start, the renders are fine again.
i was wondering if anyone might know what's causing this.
i have a plane with the background environment mapped on. in the Vray properties for the object it's set to not generate GI or caustics, and is not visible to GI or visible in reflection.
first image attached is normal, and the other one show the blue