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blue glow on some animation frames

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  • blue glow on some animation frames

    Hi. I'm having a problem with an animation scene i'm rendering.
    after a while there are blue 'artefacts' on the renders.
    the GI is Irradiance map with multiframe incremental. and the light cache is in single frame mode.
    if i stop rendering the animation, and re-start, the renders are fine again.
    i was wondering if anyone might know what's causing this.
    i have a plane with the background environment mapped on. in the Vray properties for the object it's set to not generate GI or caustics, and is not visible to GI or visible in reflection.

    first image attached is normal, and the other one show the blue
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Which V-Ray version is this?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      V-Ray 1.5 SP2
      strange. it was fine before, but when i put this plane with background image in it started bringing out this blue colour. all the Vray object properties for the plane are unchecked (except receive GI). just turned off 'Reflection/Refreaction/GI>No GI on other mattes' will see if that helps.
      i'll maybe try hide or delete the backgeound plane later and see if it is definitely that that's causing it.

      on the material settings for the bg plane it's set to a higher output amount. so it was making the scene a bit blue. turned gi on object off, and then the problem seemed to come in then.
      might just try the old re-merge into file, and/or create a new plane for the background. sometimes helps with max problems.

      i've been using vista 64 bit and 64 bit max for about a month..


      • #4
        Originally posted by add101 View Post
        i've been using vista 64 bit and 64 bit max for about a month..
        howzit, I'm pretty sure vista and max 64 is not the problem as I'm using it about 18months without hassles. Were you on xp before or just vista 32 bit?
        Kind Regards,


        • #5

          Are you getting any overbright warnings ?, it does look like a material problem. make sure your vray lights dont insert into any geometry.



          • #6
            hi. thanks for the replies.
            i think i've found the problem. i had a picture in the room with the same image (map) as the background. the bitmap material settings were set to 1.7 brightness and output, and the 'Generate GI' settings on the Vray object properties were at the defaults. so i think this picture was causing all that blue glow.
            strange how it wasn't constant though.. sometimes the whole room, sometimes just parts of the room.

            will see how it goes now, and post again if the issue comes up again. or put some stuff up on the image gallery when it's done

