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Good way to composite Hdri and plates

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  • Good way to composite Hdri and plates

    Hi everyone,

    I'm here with a tiny question.
    I would like to know the good way to composite some HDRI with plates using matte-shadows.

    Here are two images of the scene by to explain my point of view.

    First one is with a camera map of the plate.
    Second one is with the plane as matte-shadow.

    We can see that the reflection isn't right.
    I could imagine that in the most of the cases, it wouldn't be a problem, but I would like to know how to do it right.

    If I put the ground plane as self-illumination, the reflection in the ball would be color-right, but wouldn't have any shadows. Like this example :

    To be clear, I only have a problem with the shadows in the reflection with the right color plate.

    How do I have to setup my ground to have the right color and the right shadows in the reflections?
    Last edited by 3LP; 19-01-2009, 02:03 PM.
    3LP Team

  • #2
    Can be done with a Light/Shadow falloff map to tone down the plane. where shadow hits (mask with falloff as mask).

    You forgot the copyright notice for Thomas' free HDRI/Plate offer...(in case you didnt buy it that is, so sorry if you did heh)



    • #3
      Completely right about the copyright, completely forgotten due to the concentration to explain my thoughts.

      Could you do a little example so that I could understand right your way to do ?
      thanks a lot.

      3LP Team
      3LP Team


      • #4
        the reflection wont be need to make the plane not visible to reflections. Also you need to make your reflection environment (I assume its a dome light - full spherical dome.) This way the only thing visible will be the ground below.
        Dmitry Vinnik
        Silhouette Images Inc.


        • #5
          @ instinct :
          Thanks for the tip, I will try that out, but is this the good way to do it ?
          Is it the way we have to do it in production?

          @ : Morbid Angel :
          I'm very surprised that you say that there isn't any possibility to do it right.
          Because HDRI is good, but with a floor for example, the HDRI wouldn't far not be enough to have a accurate reflection in the objects.

          Is there any other possibility ?
          Isn't there in Vray a option/may where that could be setup to have thoses things right ?
          Does all the peoples that use Vray in production have always there reflection wrong? Or does they find that this mismatch is "acceptable"?

          Thank you for your tips anyway, but I would know if there is a beter way to do it, to be accurate.

          3LP Team
          3LP Team


          • #6
            Well a camera mapped HDRI for sure will be worse then the original HDR. So you need to rebuild the environment if the HDRI isnt good enough.



            • #7
              do a multi-pass render - one for the reflections, then separate shadow passes and comp them in. Split the shadow into GI shadows and direct shadows also...

