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SP3: Arch&Design Materials render black inside of Multi-Subs

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  • SP3: Arch&Design Materials render black inside of Multi-Subs

    it appears that arch&design material support in SP3 does not work if the material is within a multi-sub. can anyone confirm this?

    assuming this is the case, any chance this will be fixed?


  • #2
    Arch Design Materials

    Are you saying that if you remove the material sub obects vray renders the Arch Design Materials - thats labor intensive...I can't get the Promaterials which is basically Arch Design Material to render anything but Black... have you encounter this as well?


    • #3
      The Pro materials are not supported yet; we hope to release an expansion pack for sp3 to support those too sometime soon.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Originally posted by robman321 View Post
        I can't get the Promaterials which is basically Arch Design Material to render anything but Black...
        They are not Arch&Design materials in the way you are used to thinking; they are mental ray shaders based on the mia_* mental ray material (the same one on which the Arch&Design material is based). However, there is no real Arch&Design material behind them as such.

        Anyways, like I said, we should be able to support them to a useable degree soon enough.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          arch design materials render in vray when they are not inside of a multi-sub. if they are nested in a multi-sub, they render black and without an alpha. not speaking about "pro materials" here, just the standard Arch&Design.

          although i used to use vray exclusively when i was in arch-vis, we have been using mental ray consistently here on projects over the last year and a half or so. now that i am more versed with mr, there are a few things that have made me nostalgic for vray, so i am trying to get vray more integrated into our pipeline.

          we have come to rely on mr's arch&design and fast skin almost exclusively, so when i saw SP3's support for arch&design as well as its new skin shader, it seemed i might be able to build a case for vray much more easily.

          vlado: is this arch&design support a "bug" or a limitation you have yet to address? is it something that can be fixed soon or easily? almost all of our assets rely on multi-sub materials, and having arch&design support in vray for assets that have already been created is huge.



          • #6
            For the multi-subobject thing, it is an oversight really and we'll correct this.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              So I have a fix for this now, if anyone is interested, please email me to

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                Perhaps not directly related to this subject, but will it be possible to use mental mill to create shaders for use with V-ray when 3ds max 2010 is released? I mean since Arch & design works there shouldn't be impossible?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Undersky View Post
                  Perhaps not directly related to this subject, but will it be possible to use mental mill to create shaders for use with V-ray when 3ds max 2010 is released? I mean since Arch & design works there shouldn't be impossible?

                  good question? Mental mill seems to be interesting, any comments about it?


                  • #10
                    We are looking into it, but it's too early to say anything. I don't think 3ds Max 2010 has the necessary framework to allow this yet, but it is certainly a future possibility.

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #11
                      autodesk linear process -


                      Thanks for you foresight on this issue, Promaterials are the lowest common deminator as far as Autodesk Masterplan goes...

                      1. Revit Design
                      2. Max
                      3. Vray Render Solution

                      *We too must strive to be as linear as possible...

                      thanks, rob

                      Originally posted by vlado View Post
                      They are not Arch&Design materials in the way you are used to thinking; they are mental ray shaders based on the mia_* mental ray material (the same one on which the Arch&Design material is based). However, there is no real Arch&Design material behind them as such.

                      Anyways, like I said, we should be able to support them to a useable degree soon enough.

                      Best regards,


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vlado View Post
                        We are looking into it, but it's too early to say anything. I don't think 3ds Max 2010 has the necessary framework to allow this yet, but it is certainly a future possibility.
                        That's good to hear!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vlado View Post
                          The Pro materials are not supported yet; we hope to release an expansion pack for sp3 to support those too sometime soon.

                          Best regards,
                          Is there any news on that subject?
                          Alain Blanchette

