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Vray scene converter - trace reflections

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  • Vray scene converter - trace reflections

    Why is the 'trace reflections' ticked off under Vray material-options when you run the Vray scene converter and change a standard material?
    Isn't it more normal to keep this on?
    And how are the highlight and reflection glossiness calculated? it seems like they're not correct according to the standard material. the refl.gloss. seems to always be 1.0 and the highlight gloss is always very low. I haven't tested this scientifically, just an observation i did now...
    And how about giving the option to choose what you want to change instead of just changing everything?
    Last edited by Wingman3d; 18-03-2010, 11:21 AM.
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  • #2
    Trace reflection is off because standard materials do not do any reflections by default. The highlight shape is correct, but the highlight strength might be somewhat different - the standard material allows you to do superbright highlights, which V-Ray doesn't.

    Adding an option is a good idea, I'll make a note for this.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Especially if you're dealing with Multi/Sub-Object materials, things can get quite annoying. So I went a little step further and decided to let MaxScript do some work for me

      for i=1 to meditMaterials[1].count do meditMaterials[1].materialList[i].option_traceReflection = on
      for i=1 to meditMaterials[1].count do meditMaterials[1].material[i].brdf_type = 1
      for i=1 to meditMaterials[1].count do meditMaterials[1].materialList[i].reflection_lockGlossiness = on
      for i=1 to meditMaterials[1].count do meditMaterials[1].material[i].Reflection = color 0 0 0
      for i=1 to meditMaterials[1].count do meditMaterials[1].material[i].Refraction = color 0 0 0
      Just a few lines put together, but no time to put them into a reasonable rollout.

      best regards,


      • #4
        i didn't think of using maxscript for this. clever, but annoying having to do that.
        it would be perfect with an option popping up, both with information about which materials you want to change (sometimes maybe you want to keep one material as standard for some reason), and the option to turn off trace reflections (i always have this on on all my materials, so i think it should be default on)
        thanks for listening Vlado!
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        • #5
          I'm not happy with the scene converter defaults either - which is why I always run the "Vray Material Control" aka VMC script after scene converter. I set all my reflection to 0, lock the highlight glossiness, enable reflections, etc on everything immediately after importing. It's a pretty quick workflow and VMC also works with standard materials so is a very useful tool. Get it here:

          Vlado - in the future I hope we can get full compatibility with the Autodesk materials thus eliminating the constant need to "convert" materials.
          Christopher Grant
          Director of Visualization, HMC Architects

