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Dark areas with SSS2

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  • Dark areas with SSS2

    Hello, I am using sp5 have the prepass id set correct for my materials, but am getting some strange effects on hands and ears using SSS2. I am sure it is a simple setting, but I for the life of me can't figure it out. I can't really change the scatter radius seperate for the ears and hands from the rest though. See images and settings.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Im not an expert on SSS2 but have you tried adjusting the scale setting ? Also, im wondering if you should have the scatter gi ticked as that can make a lot of difference to the final look...obviously only if you are using GI in your scene.


    My Portfolio


    • #3
      I would tweak your SSS2 settings with a single light on black background to get the settings right (you should try my script "Tweaker" to do figure out what the settings do ). I had a test old man head a while back and I posted my settings. It looks like you have a whole bunch of ambient light and it's hard to gauge the settings with so much light imho.

      Colin Senner


      • #4
        Thanks, will try.


        • #5
          Thanks for the info. Do you use a map in the diffuse or overall color slot? I am not right now, but wondering if you did.


          • #6
            I used it like the thread says in the overall color slot, but have heard I should put it in the diffuse slot. I can't figure it out exactly
            Colin Senner

