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Mutli\sub-object material and matte properties

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  • Mutli\sub-object material and matte properties

    I was wondering if there would be any support for the multi\sub-object material when using matte properties? Im using a lot the multi\sub-object mat when I have complex scene with a lot of object, I rather attached different part of a building for instance rather than grouping all my stuff, seems easier on the render as the render tree is less complex and I found it easier to manage big scene that way than grouping, opening the group to change adjust etc.....

    When I need to render things seperatly using matte properties the multi\sub-object seems to screwed up the colors in the reflections\refraction.

    Hope its possible in a near futur? If not just wondering why?

  • #2
    Anyone from chaos can give an answer on this?Vlado?


    • #3
      Can you show me more precisely what you want to do - if you have a simple scene, it would be great.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        When I have animated object, wich I render seperatly, I use the matte properties to occluded my animated object(matte object on, alpha -1.0) If my animated object as reflections, refractions, you can see in thoses reflections, refractions the screwed up mutli sub-object mat from the rest of the scene, seems to have bright color as a results of the matte multi-sub-object material. I tried to do a simple scene to reproduce the problem I had and it was ok, I could'nt reproduce the effect, Maybe I had one of those exceptions...Im not too sure anymore...Ill keep an eye on this situaton and ill come back on the subject if needed, thx anyway for the answer Vlado.

