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10k+ Images with Displacement and high detail

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  • 10k+ Images with Displacement and high detail


    From some long time I'm fighting with vray to produce high detail floor. I have job coming up where I have to produce 14k renders of a desert. The issue is that i need to create desert and mud desert. It start to looks pretty decent with poly modeling and about 20 mil poly. But I was wondering if I can push it even further with Displacement.

    And here are some problems what ever I try It always looks worse than poly model. I set it to 2 pixel/1 pixel 512 subdv and smoke map and it looks BAD... Quite buggy I'll get screen shot later on.

    I also will try to spawn milion of proxy stones to just build up surface(not sure if that will work too)

    To cover I have around 20x20m + from low to mid height.

    The issue here is pure model base, I dont really have any problems with textures because i can add them up in PS on layers. So getting the surface/shadows/light etc etc layers are top priority for me.

    Has any1 got any other ideas on how to make that kind of floor?

    One of deserts ideas look at the close part to camera at bottom

    Roads of stones and rocks. The other should be wet and muddy...

    Any help deeply appreciated !
    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look

  • #2
    Can you give as some kind of print from the view so that we get an idea of how much surface we are talking about?

    I'd say that modelling the ground in zbrush and use displacement if the ground gets too poly heavy is a pretty good idea. Then scatter multiple different vray proxys of stones and flowers as you said. Too bad the ground is to be muddy, then you can't use haze from the desert to make it look a bit more natural and not so cg
    If you don't use zbrush, then displacement probably is a must to get the shot to be realistic, but it's hard to say since we don't know how the view looks.

    Maybe this can help:

    It's snow, but the theory is the same.

    Another choice would be matte painting. - Portfolio


    • #3

      Ahh sry for not posting images I'm very in hurry lately :/

      The zbrush wont work, or I would need a 20k+ map to displace it in 1st place.

      I want to do it using smoke n noise but they look weird !!! Take a look at screens...

      crops from 15k renders

      1st Displacement
      2nd Poly
      3rd Poly + modifier - problem is here it tend to crash quite a lot !

      1. Click image for larger version

Name:	Disp 1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	477.4 KB
ID:	843977
      2. Click image for larger version

Name:	Disp 2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	494.2 KB
ID:	843976
      3. Click image for larger version

Name:	Disp 3.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	513.8 KB
ID:	843978

      The Ronen tot is quite interesting I've seen it long a go just cant get that level of detail... hard hard hard!
      CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


      • #4
        Well, first of you seem to have banding problems in the displacement. Max own 3d procedurals should not produce those as far as I know.. strange..
        One of the problems you will get by adding a displacement is that the ground will slice the scattered debris, just a thought.

        Anyway, the crash is 99.99% sure to be because lack of memory. And you have not even begun to scatter objects. You need to find a way to get a good ground without as many polygons. - Portfolio


        • #5
          Are you using 3D or 2D displacement? 3D displacement might be overkill here, and it's tougher on resources.
          As far as I know Max's procedurals are 8bit, so the banding is normal. That's why I rarely use them for subtle displacement.
          I think the solution to your problem lies in an LOD approach. I.e. try to separate your landscape into foreground (highly detailed), medium ground (medium detail) and background (textures only).
          For the foreground, you can use either polys or displacement, but over a relatively short distance.
          For the medium ground, try using polys with less subdivision and bump.
          Here's an image I did using this approach, but it was only a 5-min setup so I'm sure it could be greatly improved upon.

          Edit: Did you try Bercon noise for displacement?
          Check my blog


          • #6

            Thanx ! Yea I do run out of memory...strange considering 24gb of ram

            Anyway I dont do entire desert in high detail. Only the 10/20x20m surface where I need it to be high. The rest will be probably matte painting or something else...

            BBB3 thats quite goog image ! The Bercon noise nop, just installed it will try it out in a min.

            The image you did how did u did the little ''stones'' if I may ask ?
            CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

   - come and look


            • #7
              About memory. If you are using displacement, then the geometry wont need as much detail, you need to find a balance. As BBB3 said, use 2D displacement. Another tip would be to calculate GI without displacement, save it, and then render with displacement (for renderime). Don't use render elements if you don't have to since they are taking up memory. And, as bitmap filtering, don't use summed area since it will take up 4 times as much memory for your bitmap.

              Displacement is hell keep us updated
     - Portfolio


              • #8
                Not using GI. Pure clear render.
                Bitmap filtering I dont really have it under bercon materials do I ?
                CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

       - come and look


                • #9
                  DADAL: The little stones are a mixture of displacement and scattered objects.
                  Check my blog


                  • #10
                    Maybe VrayPattern is worth your attention?



                    • #11

                      Ha thanx ! Will consider, atm I'm on the job finishing the floor but maybe in the future !

                      Thanx all for help !
                      CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

             - come and look

