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Very large distances and splotches

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  • Very large distances and splotches

    Hey guys, just trying to sus out a GI pickle I'm having -

    I've got a very simple scene with a corridor that spans 3km(yes 3 kilometres), and none of the unbiased GI solutions are rendering it without splotches.

    Currently using Brute force for Primary - I have tried LC and IR for secondary and haven't had any luck removing splotches. Using brute force for secondary works without splotches but obviously results in a ridiculous render time. Might have to spend a day working with QMC/DMC settings to get it right.

    All surfaces are solid (about a metre in thickness) and are all intersecting. There is one giant vray light spanning from the start to end of room - using 10 smaller lights doesn't change the splotch issue either.

    Cheers, grey render attached - splotches are towards the end of the corridor.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Render02_Grey.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	222.8 KB
ID:	872946

  • #2
    If you use LC you've tried both screen and world?

    to add:
    Is your object subdivided properly?
    If it is one object you could try cutting it in pieces.
    Last edited by Roest; 12-05-2011, 12:58 AM.


    • #3
      Roest, yes I've tried both, world settings result in alot of smaller splotches, even with lots of filtering on. Though I'm not an expert on LC filtering so I might be missing something.

      Yes it's more than adequately subdivided, but no I haven't tried cutting into smaller pieces - good idea cheers .


      • #4
        is it a still, an anim?
        have you tried calculating irradiance and lightcache at various intervals along the corridore and adding them together?

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • #5
          Da_Elf, I think you've just solved the problem (theoretically). Haven't got time to test it out but I think your logic is spot on. Let's hope v-ray thinks so too . Cheers guys

