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Max Autosave while starting render -> freeze

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  • Max Autosave while starting render -> freeze

    Hi there,

    as I didn't find it in the known crash issues, I wanted to ask if someone else had this problem, too.

    It happens about every 4 days to me, I am klicking "render" and the v-ray frame buffer and
    the render dialogue start but nothing happens. I can move the windows, but no bucket is
    being rendered and I also cannot abort rendering.
    This only happens when max seems to do an autosave (which can be seen at the bottom of max).

    I have had this problem with max 2009-2012 and v-ray 1.x-2.x.

    Is there a solution what I could to apart from deactivating autosave?
    At the moment I need to shut down max with the task manager, no other way to go on.


  • #2
    Happens here too, max 2010. Every now and then when the stars align and you render at the same time as an autosave it crashes. And in extreme cases eats/deletes your .max file which is the worst. Seems the best solution is to unfortunately turn down autosave frequency and get in the habit of saving versions yourself often.
    James Hall
    Technical Director
    New Zealand


    • #3
      V-Ray specifically disables auto-save at the start of the render, but something in 3ds Max goes behind its back and enables it again. The guys at Autodesk suggested that it may be related to something in the particular scene, so it would be very helpful if someone can get us a scene that exhibits this behavior.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Hi Vlado,

        here is the archive with the max-2012-file where it happened yesterday. As it does not happen very often I don't remember other scenes I could send.
        The scene is quite simple, it's a wip scene, some rigged birds flying around in general.

        Last edited by Brunp; 10-07-2011, 07:45 AM.


        • #5
          I have another question but it's also saving related.
          the vraylog makes a note at the beginning and saves the scene before it starts rendering. but it doesn't save the scene on its original place, because if max crashes and you open the last state of the scene the changes you made before rendering are lost.
          what is vray saving and what's the path of the saved scene? it would be good to know for backup.

          best regards
          Pixelschmiede GmbH


          • #6
            I have had this problem and I have even posted in the forum about it in the past. As far as I can tell it happens regardless of the max scene file. I have it happen on a variety of scenes with varying degrees of complexity. also the autosave file that is saved during this is incomplete and not loadable. its always just a couple of megs from being completed.

            V Miller


            • #7
              I've found that the problem happens less when I switched from lightcache to brute force. Very strange...
              Nils Poetoehena
              3D Visualiser


              • #8
                well...we actually had to write a custom autosave feature for the entire 3d dep, which was really not an autosave but a prompt dialogue that came up every so minutes and user had to click weather to save, or snooze. After talking to most of the artists I realized that majority of them had autosave disabled for various reasons. So we ended up writing this instead.
                Dmitry Vinnik
                Silhouette Images Inc.


                • #9
                  that's a great solution and not at all hard to implement I imagine. I've been burned quite a few times by this particular issue but I loves me autosave!

                  V Miller


                  • #10
                    related issue?

                    when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson


                    • #11
                      still in vray 3.0 this annoying problem persists!!!

                      seven years and it's still happening!!!

                      would it be possible for vray to check if there's an autosave happening on clicking render before it tries to start rendering?
                      when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson


                      • #12
                        Is the script to prompt an autosave freely available?
                        Kind Regards,
                        Richard Birket



                        • #13
                          why not just turn off autosave and ctrl+s all the time?
                          Dmitry Vinnik
                          Silhouette Images Inc.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Morbid Angel View Post
                            why not just turn off autosave and ctrl+s all the time?
                            if autosave is on at least it's only 15 minutes of work lost rather than potentially half a day if the file corrupts for any reason...
                            Last edited by s0real; 18-08-2014, 07:55 AM.
                            when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson


                            • #15
                              I get this happening way too often. Also just happened now when trying to just make a new material. Soooo frustrating. I have to force crash max about ever 15 minutes when using RT.
                              James Burrell
                              Visit my Patreon

