as already mentioned in another thread, it seems some other people had this problem as well, so what could cause this troubles? one of our DR clients is running stable and the other one refuses any connection since we upgraded to max 2012. it gets the scene transfered and a few moments later it cancels with "does not respond" and restarts again till the rendering is complete, the mentioned machine not contributing anything to the final image. we had a network with up to five machines running rocksolid with max 2010 and DR, it´s only max 2012 which causes this kind of trouble... as mentioned in the other thread we deactivated the drspawner of the old version (in our case the drspawner2010).
nobody has any thought on this? will try further and also with other scenes, if this doesn´t work we will have to revert back to max 2010, as angry as i am about that. could very well be our fault or the fault of max 2012, or is it vray!? i can´t figure it out which drives me crazy.
best regards,
as already mentioned in another thread, it seems some other people had this problem as well, so what could cause this troubles? one of our DR clients is running stable and the other one refuses any connection since we upgraded to max 2012. it gets the scene transfered and a few moments later it cancels with "does not respond" and restarts again till the rendering is complete, the mentioned machine not contributing anything to the final image. we had a network with up to five machines running rocksolid with max 2010 and DR, it´s only max 2012 which causes this kind of trouble... as mentioned in the other thread we deactivated the drspawner of the old version (in our case the drspawner2010).
nobody has any thought on this? will try further and also with other scenes, if this doesn´t work we will have to revert back to max 2010, as angry as i am about that. could very well be our fault or the fault of max 2012, or is it vray!? i can´t figure it out which drives me crazy.

best regards,