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Gamma and Render To Texture

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  • Gamma and Render To Texture

    Hi all,
    I am baking textures but do get some gamma-related problems.

    First of all, I have a masterscene set up with five VRay lights and a VRay Physical Camera and a ground floor. I work in LWF. Exposure is set up perfectly in my master scene.

    Then I import different models into my master scene to Render To Texture. Two problems seem to occur:

    1. When saving the rendered image, Gamma 2,2 is NOT burnt into the image (no matter what Framebuffer I use), even though system is set up with gamma 2,2 output. (no matter if I try to manually override system setting)

    2. I am not sure the exposure from my camera setup is used in the rendered image, images tend to be too dark (in addition to getting dark from missing the burnt in gamma 2,2)

    Any hints would be very very appreciated! Thanks!

  • #2
    Is nr 1 a bug then? Vlado?


    • #3
      Are you setting the gamma in the max settings or in color mapping?


      • #4
        Well, my workflow is set up for LWF (I use it for all productions, not only texture baking) so Gamma is enabled in Max including2,2 as output Gamma AND colormapping is set to Linear Multiply with gamma 2,2 - very straight forward, nothing strange at all. Images look good in both VRay framebuffer and Max framebuffer while rendering, but when saved, gamma 2,2 is NOT burnt in. To me it sounds like a bug, the strange is it doesnĀ“t matter which framebuffer I use so is it a VRay bug or a Max bug?


        • #5
          Vlado or members at the forum, I still have this problem and I am rendering hundreds of baked textures at the moment and so will for the coming months. So a solution, workaround or tips would be extremely appreciated. Thanks!


          • #6
            I have never had a problem with it before. My settings are as follows:
            Max Gamma, 2.2 in and out, with everything checked.
            Vray gamma 2.2, linear with do not affect colors checked
            Using MAX frame buffer and saving 16bit exr's at gamma override of 1.

            The first thing that came to mind when you mentioned that is if you are using vray frame buffer and overriding the gamma output, it resets every time you open it, so try using max frame buffer, if you aren't already.

            Hope that helps!


            • #7
              Thanks, but I am rendering to 8-bit tga for this project (more than enough in this particular case). Will give he framebuffer another try.


              • #8
                Nope, framebuffer approach didnĀ“t help, tried all alternatives...

                Vlado, any suggestions?


                • #9
                  Have you tried any of the render to tex scripts by chance, to see if they do it correctly? You could try rtt assist or totex? If they do, you could check what settings they use

