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Scene with darker colours is so noisy

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  • Scene with darker colours is so noisy

    Hi guys,
    Again I am having these problems. I just can't figure them out. I always use the same settings on my scenes, and every time I have one with reflective materials and dark grey colours I get so much noise on them. I tried using a high preset for irradiance but that gave even more noise, I guess due to higher max rate. Usually I just use medium setting. I also tried reducing adaptive amount from 0.85 to 0.7 but still not good enough. Since I use LWF, with gamma 2.2, shouldn't that take care of noise in dark areas? With the same setting as for the light scenes. Though even the lighter object, the one with BB1 has way to much noise for settings this high. Please help.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Crayox13; 18-05-2012, 04:02 AM.

  • #2
    your render setting images is so small that I can't see your settings
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Not sure what resized them, maybe because they were gif. Sorry, I reloaded them.


      • #4
        yes, looking at it now
        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          Originally posted by Crayox13 View Post
          I always use the same settings on my scenes, and every time I have one with reflective materials and dark grey colours I get so much noise on them.
          It doesn't seem noise, to me they seems gi splotches.
          Do you inspect render elements to find where these splotches are coming from?
          Is it IBL?
          As first attempt I'll stay with medium gi settings evntually raising HSph. subds


          • #6
            Thanks guys...
            zeronove, how do I inspect render element? I can add it to render, but what will I see on it that would tell what is causing the splotches? Yes, I too think these are due to GI. Is there a way to distinguish if they are caused by primary IM, or secondary LC?

            You would leave -1, -3 and play with HSph. subdivs?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Crayox13 View Post
              how do I inspect render element?
              well, if you add a GI element and it shows the splotches, then you know for sure they are GI spotches you can exclude reflection and glossiness issues and start tweaking only with parameters that are GI related.

              Originally posted by Crayox13 View Post
              You would leave -1, -3 and play with HSph. subdivs?
              as first attempt, yes

              what about lighting? IBL, VRay sun, direct or whatever?


              • #8
                Just vray sun...oh and small vray light spheres in the ceiling, and indirect green light.
                I'll check GI now.


                • #9
                  Not sure why I always ignore HSph. subdivs and only play with min/max...anyway, that cleared it up pretty well. I put it to 80 from 50.
                  I will now try to increase LC to 2000 from 1000 to see if that will clear the rest (the doors are still a bit splotchy and some other surfaces). If not, than I'll try HSph. 100.

                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    if you add a GI element and it shows the splotches, then you know for sure they are GI spotches
                    Will be helpful if you post the render elements: V-Ray GlobalIllumination, Lighting, Shadows, SampleRate
                    Also the settings for the Sun and the other Lights you are using.
                    Tashko Zashev |
                    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                    • #11
                      Very important, check your samples. Render with show samples on.
                      High settings (min/maxrate, thresholds) sometimes creates way to much samples
                      wich results in a higher rendertime and a blotchy image.



                      Adjust sample distribution with thresholds and min/max rate so that you have
                      many sample in areas like corners and as less sample as possible in large even areas.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by samuel_bubat View Post
                        Very important, check your samples. Render with show samples on.
                        good tip, I always forget about this option, ...better if it would be available as an element


                        • #13
                          Don't stop on this quite yet. Your GI is still really splotchy and not good (though it's better). Turn on Samples for IMAP and compare it with what Samuel posted. Read the help and figure it out better.
                          Colin Senner


                          • #14
                            Sample rate element is quite different than show samples. In "show samples" it seams ok, I have just enough for the ok render....sample rate seams too high?
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Sample rate isn't being very adaptive at all. Spread out your values more (you're using 4,8 ) try 2-10. You'll probably see render time go down as well.

                              For your imap, your samples aren't horrible, but they're not optimal. Maybe someone with more information could disect this one. I usually do something like min -3, max -1, hsph: 80, interp: 30.

                              Your DMC Noise threshold is VERY high (like insanely high quality). Set it to: 0.007, and your adaptive amount to .85 (the default) and show us what you get please.

                              Also turning on "use light cache for glossy rays" should improve your rendertime as well.
                              Last edited by MoonDoggie; 21-05-2012, 03:38 PM.
                              Colin Senner

