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  • vrayDistanceTex

    I'm not sure if I'm being daft, but why shouldn't I be able to have two materials that affect each other using the vrayDistanceTex map? When I try to assign the different objects to the maps I get a "Can't make a circular reference" error.
    Surely the shading of each material/object is independent even with a VRayDistanceTex map?
    Is this a bug or expected behaviour?
    Many Thanks

  • #2
    It's a 3dsmax error I think - Bertrand might have mentioned that he's had to make dummy copies of objects in certain cases for it to play nice. The specific case where it might cause issues would be something like using the distancetex as a displacement map or something that affects the geometry of an object - if two objects are both displacing based on each other then you could have a loop of object 1 affects obj 2's distance tex, obj2 displacement calculates. Now since obj2 is different, obj1's displacement updates and vice versa.


    • #3
      I just had this - it happens if the object you add in the ' VrayDistanceTex Objects' box has the distTex material applied to it. Just apply a plain new vray material to that object and it should work fine. Hope that makes sense

