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VRay Mesh / Proxy doesn't keep UV mapping?

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  • VRay Mesh / Proxy doesn't keep UV mapping?

    Does converting an object to a Vray Mesh / proxy cause it to lose its UV mapping?

    I have an object that I've converted to a proxy. I want to use that proxy to Render to Texture, but RTT complains that there is no UV mapping and doesn't recognize any of the UV channels that existed on the original model.

    Is this a know limitation of the proxy process? Seems like an odd one if it is. Shouldn't the proxy be able to be used in all the same ways as the original object (beyond modifying the proxy itself)?

  • #2
    The UVs are fine, however V-Ray can only do baking on regular meshes - no proxies, displacement or subdivision. You'll have to import the proxy as a regular mesh.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thanks for the quick response, Vlado.

      Any chance this is something that can be added?


      • #4
        It can be done, bit it would require loading the entire proxy into memory at the beginning of a render (similar to what you'd do if you import it as a mesh), so the idea to use proxies is somewhat lost...

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

