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90 Second Vray Animation predicts 1/4 of a year to complete! WTF??

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  • #16
    I've not seen the scene, but if only a small portion is moving in the animation i'd render the entire thing with a saved map/static GI, and then do a spherefade pass on the moving objects with your animated GI. 1/50 AA is obscenely high, as is a noise threshold of .0005. Drop it to 1/8 & .008
    Using animation blending with IR maps is VERY slow, i've found it offers very little speed benefit over re-working the scene to render in brute force/LC - a few times it's actually worked out slower. I've never managed to use it in production.
    So do the whole thing static and use this -
    Last edited by Neilg; 16-09-2013, 08:27 AM.


    • #17
      Okay, so I took a quick look at the scene. Settings are pretty crazy in here. It was just simpler to remove all the lights and just start over. This is a SUPER QUICK hack at lighting and the setting are definitely NOT final quality. This file renders in about 1 min 30 sec or so.

      I didn't have any of the maps / hdris you were using, so it's a little hard to say exactly where the problems were coming from. Your glass material was messed up for some reason. I rebuilt that material and made sure to check affect shadows.

      Again, I didn't spend more than 15 minutes looking over the file and I am sure there are other things I didn't catch. But this should get you started on the right path.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Donald2B; 16-09-2013, 08:45 AM. Reason: Uploaded wrong max file.
      Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
      Midwest Studios

