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Vray 3.03 rendering into exr Error

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  • Vray 3.03 rendering into exr Error

    Hello guys.

    I get an error when I try to save an exr with passes: "There was an error writing to output"

    Vray log does not display any warnings and/or errors.

    What am I doin wrong? Actually I did the same with vray 2.4004 and had no issues whatsoever.

    Strange thing is, in the compositor, there seems to work everything just fine though...

  • #2

    Is it scene dependent?
    Do you use any specific symbols for the output file name or very long path?
    Would it be possible to test with different name and destination folder (drive). Make sure that there is enough space on the disk.
    Tashko Zashev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thank You for the soon answer. Well, of course I use network paths (UNC) as I utilize DR, so those may be the issue - which never were before. I try to keep the file names short though.

      e.g.: \\serveron7_ii\2giga_2\clientname_project\produckt shot_limited\renderoutput\test\yellow.exr

      texture file names are a little more longer, but I use english letters only, no special signs whatsoever.

      space on disk is sufficient. i tried to reproduce it with a new simple scene (plane, box, plane light, phys cam, all new vray mat) - no error message. so I took the "culprit" scene and deleted all content but the shaders.

      applied the shaders to new geo. placed new light (dome) and new cam - the error is back again.
      disconnected textures - error remains.
      deleted all passes - error remains.
      changed dome light to plane - error remains.

      the shaders:

      vray mat with a diffuse and a reflections texutre
      vraMtlWrapper for the base (sampling shadows and refl. mask in alpha) with vray mat as base shader (vray mat has reflections enabled - affect color+alpha)
      vrayHDRI texture for the dome light
      vrayDirt for the AO pass
      bitmap texture for displacement modifier

      selected the parts needed and saved as a new file. did not restart max but just hit render - error remains.
      restarted max, opened the "new" scene - error remains

      moved textures from custom folder to the "sceneassets/images" folder and checked the file names for e.g. spaces... render to a new file (not overwriting the old one) - error remains

      removed the HDRI texture from dome light... - error remains

      checked the assets manager - the only file missing is the output file. well the rendered file gets a 0000 sequence (autonumbering) attached. the name specified in the vray buffer does not (of course).... - has never ever been an issue...

      last but not least - collapsed the modifier stack on the model

      the stack was: a) UV Unwrap b) VrayDisplacementMod - error remains.

      I'm at the end of my wisdom.

      will try a different drive - but I doubt thats the prob.


      • #4
        Can you post the file here or send it to me at so that I can look into it?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          It seems that the problem is that you have the "Separate render channels" option enabled, but no actual output file specified. If you disable that option, it should be fine. I will make also a note not to show an error dialog in that case.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            thanx a lot. yap that's the issue. i guess in 2.4 it was that way - i mean no error dialog.

