Made a major mistake!! Thread can be deleted.
Been doing some tests with hdr and ran into some issues, to narrow things down I made a test.
This rendering is made using vray 3.00.04 gamma 2,2 all linear. The lighting is a Sun & Sky system and camera is a vray camera with white balance set to pure white.

Then using the same scene I change the camera to 360 degrees and rendered the sky only and saved it as .hdr. Then I deleted all the Sun&Sky stuff and created a vraylight and set it to dome and used the .hdr file as a texture and got this result.

So the question is, why is the colors so far off?
Made a major mistake!! Thread can be deleted.
Been doing some tests with hdr and ran into some issues, to narrow things down I made a test.
This rendering is made using vray 3.00.04 gamma 2,2 all linear. The lighting is a Sun & Sky system and camera is a vray camera with white balance set to pure white.

Then using the same scene I change the camera to 360 degrees and rendered the sky only and saved it as .hdr. Then I deleted all the Sun&Sky stuff and created a vraylight and set it to dome and used the .hdr file as a texture and got this result.

So the question is, why is the colors so far off?