Why would a render node be skipped if the spawner is up and running and waiting for a job?

...and it even says "rednder" node
Then little later it tries again and this time it is "Render" host

Ok I can live with the typo, but why would it be skipped in the 1st place?
AND, while we're on the subject, can we get some consistency please. It sometimes shows node name and other times IP address depending on where it is in the progress. It would be nice to have a setting in DR to display either IP, Node name, or Both at all times
...and it even says "rednder" node
Then little later it tries again and this time it is "Render" host
Ok I can live with the typo, but why would it be skipped in the 1st place?
AND, while we're on the subject, can we get some consistency please. It sometimes shows node name and other times IP address depending on where it is in the progress. It would be nice to have a setting in DR to display either IP, Node name, or Both at all times