I don't understand how to use the environment fog, in the doc it seems to produce very good results with 8 subdivs but in my case it produces "big" noise, even with a lot of subdivs (512 is not enough).
Is the light/shadow subdivs multiplying the fog subdivs? If you put a map in the light, does the fog has a texture?
It looks like the noise of the fog is 2x2 pixels large... even with shading rate at 16...
I am very confused.
I don't understand how to use the environment fog, in the doc it seems to produce very good results with 8 subdivs but in my case it produces "big" noise, even with a lot of subdivs (512 is not enough).
Is the light/shadow subdivs multiplying the fog subdivs? If you put a map in the light, does the fog has a texture?
It looks like the noise of the fog is 2x2 pixels large... even with shading rate at 16...
I am very confused.