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Vray 3.10.01 - distributed rendering broken?

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  • Vray 3.10.01 - distributed rendering broken?

    After installing 3.10.01 I could not get distributed rendering to work.
    All assets (bitmaps, Xrefs, proxies) which are on the network are not rendered.
    When I open scene on server machine - all is fine, so all pahs are set correctly.
    But when I try to use this machine as render server - assets are not rendered.

    What's wrong?

  • #2
    Are you running the V-Ray DR spawner as a Windows service?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      no - i use vrayspawner2015.exe
      but service doesn't work also


      • #4
        Do you get any warnings or errors in the V-Ray log, both on the client and the server?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          I also have problems to make DR work with 3.10.01. I have a simple scene that I use to test DR and it worked with that scene, but with my complicated scene, it does not work.

          I get "server is not responding" error on my nine servers and only my local compute is rendering.


          Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
          Little Antman
          See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
          Some RnD involving PhoenixFD


          • #6
            Can you check the log file on those machines for any clues? We've generally done quite a few tests with DR for the release but there's always a chance that something slipped through. It might also be useful to get a scene that breaks so that we can fix it.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Check what ports your DR slaves are set to use.
              They should use 20204 but I had issues with some of the nightly builds that would try to use different port numbers
              Chris Jackson


              • #8
                My system was working fine for long time, distributed render with 3DS Max 2015 Design SP2, VRay 3.10.01, Phoenix FD 2.2.0 Rev 25375 from nightlies. Manually starting VRay DR spawner every time each slave machine is restarted following windows updates, etc. Also registered VRay RT Spawner server on slaves.

                Like a fool, I did not check and rushed to installed update for 3DS Max 2015 SP3 to my workstation and all five slaves. Distributed render broke on all slaves. No error messages in logs.

                First tried reinstall VRay and Phoenix on all slaves, still failed to respond on distributed render. No error messages in logs, just crash and reset.

                On slave 1 which is also my VR license server, went to control panel - view installed updates, uninstalled Max SP3, reinstalled vray, reinstalled Phoenix, reboot, restart VRay DR spawner. Success! now that slave works again.

                On other slaves, went to control panel - uninstall programs, click on Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2015, repair or reinstall, select reinstall. Did not fix.

                Now trying to uninstall SP3 from other slaves from control panel - view installed updates. Will let you know later if successful.

                Ron Porter, Oklahoma


                • #9
                  Update: Confirmed everything works again with SP3 removed.
                  Hope this is helpful.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rporter8555 View Post
                    Update: Confirmed everything works again with SP3 removed. Hope this is helpful. Ron
                    Just to avoid confusion, do you mean SP3 or Extension 2 ?


                    • #11
                      We have a fix for the DR issues with Extension 2, you can get it by emailing

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #12

                        Are you going to release another patch (3.10.03 ?) in the coming days to address those issues with max 2015 extension 2 ?
                        Bercause I was about to update max and vray this weekend, but maybe it's wiser to wait a bit ?



                        • #13
                          I was thinking the same as theedge. I'm really looking forward to rolling out V-Ray 3 SP1 in the office, but the constant cycle of max patches that cause vray issues is holding me back. Do Autodesk warn you guys that they are changing code that will break 3rd party renderers? Or would that just be wishful thinking? And is there a rough eta on a V-Ray build that will fix the problems introduced by max 2015 EXT2?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by theedge View Post

                            Are you going to release another patch (3.10.03 ?) in the coming days to address those issues with max 2015 extension 2 ?
                            Bercause I was about to update max and vray this weekend, but maybe it's wiser to wait a bit ?
                            It's unfortunate timing as almost everyone is away for the holidays now; we will release a patch, but it will have to wait until the beginning of January. We can get you an update if you email us to or if all else fails, to me personally at

                            Best regards,
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • #15

                              So far I have only installed SP3. Have not tried Ext2 yet, which that installer first requires and includes SP3 to install.

                              Check the autodesk readme for SP3 and Ext2 (link here). Notice the instructions that say 3ds Max will crash after uninstalling SP3 unless you also make changes to or delete
                     Don't know if or how this affected the slaves, but they are working now after uninstalling SP3.


                              Last edited by rporter8555; 19-12-2014, 04:26 AM.

