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Any way to get around the max fog distance?

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  • Any way to get around the max fog distance?

    I'm working on an aerial where we see right to the mountains at the horizon (we were provided with a fully textured 100kmx100km model...) and the max fog distance ends up with the mountains nearly completely obscured. Is this a hard vray limit or can I change something in max to push it up?
    My scene scale is in inches/displayed in metres, but the maximum fog distance caps out at 25,400m. I thought it had something to do with the distance from origin setting (25.4) but changing it doesn't raise the cap at all. If I could get it up to 40-50km that would be perfect.

    I'm planning to render the background separately from the foreground so any lighting accuracy issues don't matter - i'm just trying to avoid converting between system units because it's always caused issues. FG/BG will be sharing forest objects, and all the fg architecture is built in inches.
    Last edited by Neilg; 29-12-2014, 03:35 PM.

  • #2
    Have you tried modifying the distance from MaxScript?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I can confirm that higher values for Fog Distance parameter could be set via the following MaxScript command:
      (getAtmospheric 1).fog_distance=value
      The value in the UI won't be updated properly if it is greater than 25,400m but V-Ray will get it from MaxScript.

      If the scene contains multiple VrayEnvironmentFog nodes the command will change to:
      (getAtmospheric 2).fog_distance=value
      Please note that if Scene Units are Inches and Display Units are Meters you have to manually convert the value from Meters to Inches when using MaxScript.
      50km = 50 000m = 1968505 inch (50 000 * 39.3701)

      (getAtmospheric 1).fog_distance=1968505
      A note about increasing Fog Distance value UI limitation has been added into our system.
      Last edited by Svetlozar Draganov; 05-01-2015, 07:37 AM.
      Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
      Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


      • #4
        nice, that's perfect!

        Thank you Fantastic support as per.

