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DR errors with chamfered edge

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  • DR errors with chamfered edge

    I have a very simple studio setup with a background object that has a chamfer modifier applied to the corner to round it. When rendering with just my workstation it renders fine, but when I render using distributed rendering I get a checkerboard pattern. I'm not using HDRI lighting or have anything that would cause missing bitmaps. When I collapse the background object to a poly the DR nodes render fine. So, I think its the chamfer that is causing the errors. I'm pretty sure all the Max installations are on the same Max 2015 SP2.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DR chamfer error.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	11.8 KB
ID:	881190

  • #2
    Can you collapse the object to an editable mesh and see if the problem is still there?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Yes. I noted that DR renders fine when collapsed to Poly. And I just checked that DR renders fine when collapsed to Mesh. That is why I think its the chamfer mod that's causing a problem.


      • #4

        Yes, I can confirm that the Chamfer modifier is the culprit here. I will send a bug report in our system about this issue.
        Thank you.
        Tashko Zashev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Oh god, this explains some problems I'm having right now.
          Getting dr bucket variations just like this, but not necessarily right by the chamfered edges, but close'ish in the vicinity.
          I use the chamfer mod set to tension 1 and 2 divisions (for tight edges) with a turbosmooth on top.
          Are these like that or is the chamfer modifier making the direct result you see in render?

          If this can be fixed, would we get it in a nightly build?
          Signing out,


          • #6
            Originally posted by trixian View Post
            Oh god, this explains some problems I'm having right now.
            Getting dr bucket variations just like this, but not necessarily right by the chamfered edges, but close'ish in the vicinity.
            I use the chamfer mod set to tension 1 and 2 divisions (for tight edges) with a turbosmooth on top.
            Are these like that or is the chamfer modifier making the direct result you see in render?

            If this can be fixed, would we get it in a nightly build?
            We need some more time to investigate this issue. For the moment we only know for sure that the Chamfer modifier is being rendered different on the slave machine/s without SP3.
            However, we will let you know when we have any update on this.
            Tashko Zashev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us

