I'm trying to build a deployment for max 2016 and include Vray & Phoenix as additional software,
but for some reason they won't install, eventhough the log shows no errors.
this is what I have in the vray config.xml (which looks a bit more then in the helpfile)
I wonder what the revert_install does (logic says 1 = yes so it uninstalls after it's done :S ?)
******* in the licserver part is to black out actual names 
the helpfile is a bit iffy on the details and comparing to above, is missing a couple of flags/vallues
but for some reason they won't install, eventhough the log shows no errors.
this is what I have in the vray config.xml (which looks a bit more then in the helpfile)
I wonder what the revert_install does (logic says 1 = yes so it uninstalls after it's done :S ?)
<DefValues> <Value Name="SHOULDUNINSTALL" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="STARTMENUPROG" DataType="value">C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs</Value> <Value Name="COMMONFILES" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Common Files</Value> <Value Name="PROGRAMFILES" DataType="value">C:\Program Files</Value> <Value Name="MAXROOT" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\</Value> <Value Name="STDROOT" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\3dsmax 2016 for x64</Value> <Value Name="RTROOT" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\RT for 3ds Max 2016 for x64</Value> <Value Name="PLUGINS" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\plugins</Value> <Value Name="OPEN_README" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="VISIT_SPOT3D" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="VIDEO_DRIVER_TDR_DELAY_INCREASE" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="OPEN_CHANGELOG" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="INSTALL_TYPE" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="LICENSE_TYPE" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="FIREWALL_EXCEPTION" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="INSTALL_WIBU" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="WIBU_CHECK_DONGLE" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="REG_LIC_SERVER" DataType="value">0</Value> <Value Name="REMOTE_LICENSE" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="AUTO_INSTALL_UIMENUS" DataType="value">1</Value> <Value Name="REVERT_INSTALL" DataType="value">1</Value> <LicServer> <Host>*******</Host> <Port>30304</Port> <Host1></Host1> <Port1>30304</Port1> <Host2></Host2> <Port2>30304</Port2> <User>********</User> <Pass>********</Pass> </LicServer> </DefValues>

the helpfile is a bit iffy on the details and comparing to above, is missing a couple of flags/vallues