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Deployment through Max Deployment

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  • Deployment through Max Deployment

    I'm trying to build a deployment for max 2016 and include Vray & Phoenix as additional software,
    but for some reason they won't install, eventhough the log shows no errors.

    this is what I have in the vray config.xml (which looks a bit more then in the helpfile)
    I wonder what the revert_install does (logic says 1 = yes so it uninstalls after it's done :S ?)

     <Value Name="SHOULDUNINSTALL" DataType="value">1</Value>
     <Value Name="STARTMENUPROG" DataType="value">C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs</Value>
     <Value Name="COMMONFILES" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Common Files</Value>
     <Value Name="PROGRAMFILES" DataType="value">C:\Program Files</Value>
     <Value Name="MAXROOT" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\</Value>
     <Value Name="STDROOT" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\3dsmax 2016 for x64</Value>
     <Value Name="RTROOT" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\RT for 3ds Max 2016 for x64</Value>
     <Value Name="PLUGINS" DataType="value">C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\plugins</Value>
     <Value Name="OPEN_README" DataType="value">0</Value>
     <Value Name="VISIT_SPOT3D" DataType="value">0</Value>
     <Value Name="VIDEO_DRIVER_TDR_DELAY_INCREASE" DataType="value">1</Value>
     <Value Name="OPEN_CHANGELOG" DataType="value">0</Value>
     <Value Name="INSTALL_TYPE" DataType="value">1</Value>
     <Value Name="LICENSE_TYPE" DataType="value">0</Value>
     <Value Name="FIREWALL_EXCEPTION" DataType="value">1</Value>
     <Value Name="INSTALL_WIBU" DataType="value">0</Value>
     <Value Name="WIBU_CHECK_DONGLE" DataType="value">0</Value>
     <Value Name="REG_LIC_SERVER" DataType="value">0</Value>
     <Value Name="REMOTE_LICENSE" DataType="value">1</Value>
     <Value Name="AUTO_INSTALL_UIMENUS" DataType="value">1</Value>
     <Value Name="REVERT_INSTALL" DataType="value">1</Value>
    ******* in the licserver part is to black out actual names
    the helpfile is a bit iffy on the details and comparing to above, is missing a couple of flags/vallues

  • #2
    We have tested 3ds Max 2016 deployment and it seems that V-Ray can be installed through it.
    What we did:

    We used "Include additional software" option, where we add the path to V-Ray installation .exe file in "Path" and the following command line parameters in the "Command Line Parameters" field:

    -gui=0 -configFile="\\Full\Path\to\config_vray.xml" -quiet=1

    Please note that the -configFile parameter require the absolute path to config_vray.xml file. In the example above you should substitute "\\FULL\Path\to\config_vray.xml" by your path to config_vray.xml. Note that this file should reside on shared location in order to be accessible from all machines that will use the deployment.

    The same command line parameters can be used for Phoenix FD installation. Note that config_phoenix.xml should be created by phoenix installer.
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


    • #3
      I just got the support email.

      thanks for following up on the forum as well so others can benefit from it as well.

      Will try it out (although I'm sure I tried it that way) and see what happens.

      Thanks again.


      • #4
        Incidently, would it be possible to list all config options and their available values and what those values mean ?

        for instance, creating the config.xml adds a <Value Name="LICENSE_TYPE" DataType="value">0</Value> but the helpfile on silent install makes no mention of License Type and thus, i can't be sure what that value means
        (for instance, I want it to use a network license).

        In short, do you have a doc with all names & values & description for both vray & phoenix silent install or is there a means to find them through a -? or something ?


        • #5
          Please check the following two pages:

          Silent Installation of V-Ray for 3ds Max :
          Silent Installation of Phoenix FD for 3ds Max :
          Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
          Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


          • #6
            I know of those pages, but the generated xml file holds a lot of flags/variables not present on the docpages.
            for instance <Value Name="LICENSE_TYPE" DataType="value">0</Value> is not to be found in the docs, nor is <Value Name="REVERT_INSTALL" DataType="value">1</Value>
            or <licserver> ... </licserver>

            that's why I asked if there's a complete list of available variables and what they do.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Yves Adam View Post
              that's why I asked if there's a complete list of available variables and what they do.
              Second this, I looked for one myself when setting up max deployment. Would be useful.


              • #8
                that's why I asked if there's a complete list of available variables and what they do.
                We have update our help files with more information:
                Zdravko Keremidchiev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                • #9
                  Most excellent and thank you very much

