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VrayLightMaterial slow cpu-usage

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  • VrayLightMaterial slow cpu-usage

    I haven't tested it completely... but i figured that Rendering invisible Faces with VrayLightMaterial as lightsource (with various Textures) will affect CPU usage during rendering.

    Currently i use Polygon-Elements so distribute various Light Intensity in a Building. I use Vizpark Crossmaps to distribute different Bitmaps over each Face. Recently (maybe sind Vray Version 3.1 and using progressive Rendering) i realized that CPU usage on my Xeon Worktstations is down between to 25 - 40%. When turning these Objects off, Rendering will be at 100% again.

    Right now i'm not able to test if its a vray or vp-crossmap thing, which influences the slow down. I'll look into it after my current project is finished.

    Maybe someone else realized that behaviour too.

  • #2
    Would it be possible to send us the scene or a simplified version of it for investigation?
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


    • #3
      stripped down scene is sent to you.

      I also had the time to figure the problem cause - it is related to my first suspicion: Vizpark Crossmap. I used version 1.3.11 within Max 2015 ... but also version 1.4 is causing that trouble. Maybe i need to investigate this further to find, if i used that multitexture inappropriate withing vray-lightmaterial.

