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RAM unload after render taking extremely long

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  • #16
    I've wondered that too. It certainly can be, Ctrl+Although+Del end task does it instantly :P
    (I'm sure there's more to it than that)


    • #17
      For me that always was a combination of vraydisplacement visible in reflections/ refractions. The whole reason to use vraydisplacement over standard displacement is to get better detail, since geometry is only subdivided on the fly where it is actually visible in the rendered frame and then unloaded again after that buckets are done, sort of like with vrayproxies. But if its visible in refractions, then all of a sudden it needs to load much more geo into ram.
      I already asked this before and it seems like the slow unloading is a windows issue and can´t really be fixed.
      I asked for an option to simply make the vradisplacement invisible to reflections/Refractions, because most of the time you wouldn´t be able to tell the difference anyway, but just rendering in different passes is messy and tedious...


      • #18
        possibly related to this old issue.. no idea if this is still a problem, didnt use fur for a while.


        • #19
          Why is it then that I can have a 50GB ram scene (with no displacement, size due to image size and very heavy geometry (Grass, trees, etc)) which will unload in a few seconds? I am not a programmer by any means, I just kinda wonder how windows can be the issue when apparently it is capable of unloading it fast under different circumstances.
          Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
          3ds Max 2016 SP4
          V-Ray Adv 3.60.04

          Intel Core i7-4930K @ 3.40 GHz
          NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (4096MB RAM)
          64GB RAM



          • #20
            I had this quite bad a while ago, no displacement (or at least is was disabled in global tab) , but a very large park with lots of a veg, few km's long. and high res renders, 360's and a 15k plan.

            it was taking as long as the renders to unload. the only thing the saved me in the end was vrimg, and canceling the jobs while waiting to unload.

            pc's had 64gb ram and it wanted more than that.

