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glare and bloom and vraysun

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  • glare and bloom and vraysun

    trying to get a nice bloom around my vraysun, but the intensity mask seems to ignore the sun. i can see the glare mask only features the geometry. environment is black in the mask. means i cannot use the intensity mask, and have to glare out my whole image. ive also found that intensity 100 (the maximum for some reason) is barely enough to get a good glow around the sun (its a sunset) . id really like to crank it.

  • #2
    also having some annoying UI issues with the glare and bloom floater.. buttons are strangely unresponsive and the sliders often get "stuck" to the mouse and i cannot change focus to any other controls.

    -vray 3.3 beta btw


    • #3
      Originally posted by super gnu View Post
      also having some annoying UI issues with the glare and bloom floater.. buttons are strangely unresponsive and the sliders often get "stuck" to the mouse and i cannot change focus to any other controls.

      -vray 3.3 beta btw

      Yes this is annoying! If you minimize max, switch to another app, then back to max and then the vfb, it gets unstuck
      Kind Regards,


      • #4
        Currently our Intensity mask in the Lens effects window is ignoring the sun spot (visible in render). I've made a note in our system about that.

        Regarding the second issue with "stuck" lens controls I would like to ask for more specific reproduction steps or something that will help us to replicate it here.
        Thanks for both of you in advance.
        Tashko Zashev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          great to hear its a bug to fix, however i also noticed the sky was black in the mask channels... is this expected behaviour? id imagine it should be one of the brightest elements in the image after the sun.

          just to note its the new sky model on the new beta.

          wrt the stuck lens controls, ill have to investigate, it just did it constantly from the moment i started using them.. max 2014 x64.


          • #6
            I know about the "sticky" issue with the sliders; it's some wxWidgets stuff. Will try to fix it.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              great to hear its a bug to fix, however i also noticed the sky was black in the mask channels... is this expected behaviour? id imagine it should be one of the brightest elements in the image after the sun.
              Yes, the sky spot is not taken into account when render with Lens intensity mask and that is the reason why it is not being glared. We will try to fix it for the next releases.
              Tashko Zashev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us


              • #8
                is the lens effects issue with sun/sky fixed yet?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by super gnu View Post
                  is the lens effects issue with sun/sky fixed yet?
                  Unfortunately not yet, but we won't forget to update this thread when we have any update.
                  Tashko Zashev |
                  Chaos Support Representative | contact us

