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Max 2016 - 3.30 beta: render message window impossible to get rid of

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  • Max 2016 - 3.30 beta: render message window impossible to get rid of


    I've just installed 3.30 beta and i get render message window constantly popping up on warning: Scene bounding box is too large, possible raycast errors. It's impossible to set verbosity in Vray render settings, as those settings probably apply to the old log window. The Max's native one is even bigger, more irritating, and steals focus so it always lands in top of VFB. In this particular case, it's an annoyance to close it every single time render is performed.

    Generally, it would make sense to just get rid of the warning by fixing source of the problem, but here it's not that easy . The scene bounding box is not even that large... farthest geometry in the scene is less than 170 000 scene units from origin and therefore no raycast errors should happen, especially when camera is pretty much sitting on the origin. I can't really alter the scene at this point, as it's already established how the scene has to look like.

    Is there any way to kill the window?

    BTW how large bounding box (in scene units) does it take to trigger this warning?

    EDIT: I am also getting warning messages about unsupported materials in scene even though material override is activated, so those materials are not actually in the scene.
    Last edited by LudvikKoutny; 21-11-2015, 01:33 PM.

  • #2
    Check the do not show on error, bottom left.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Donfarese View Post
      Check the do not show on error, bottom left.
      It's actually called "Open on Error" and it's unchecked.


      • #4
        I'm away on only my phone forgot what it was called. Sorry can't test it until I get back


        • #5
          Try entering the following in the MaxScript editor:
          and see if it helps.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            I will check it as soon as I get home. By the way, I believe this will turn off Vray message log completely. I would still like to be warned about possible errors in my scenes, as well as have log at hand whenever I need it.

            Is there plan to make verbosity switcher working with native 3ds Max message window?

            I can imagine it may be tricky to control it, since it's part of 3ds Max, not Vray, but perhaps verbosity switcher could define if warnings, errors, or both get passed to the message window as warnings or errors (orange or red) or as regular black text messages. So setting verbosity to errors only would cause all warnings to be sent as a regular black text, not messages tagged as warnings.


            • #7
              Okay, tested, and it works It actually just does not open window automatically, but still logs everything. I would still welcome ability to set verbosity for new error message reporting in future.

              Thank you non the less!

