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360 panoramas on DK2 and size/scale issue

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  • 360 panoramas on DK2 and size/scale issue

    Not necessarily a 'problem' as such, and most likely nothing to do with VRay, but you might be able to give me a pointer in the right direction.

    We've been creating a number of 2x1 360 degree renders of a scene using the VRay Camera overide settings (spherical type, 360 FOV overide) so that we can view them on the rift (dk2) using the Virtual Desktop software.

    It works well, BUT...the scale of everything looks massive. I don't really know where this illusion is coming from:- it could be that Virtual Desktop is simply defaulting to a FOV that is too big? I'm pretty sure there is nothing different to be done from the VRay/rendering side of things, but thought I'd check.

    Anyone else experienced this?
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket


  • #2
    Yes, YES!
    I'm experiencing this as well for few projects and noticed on different project of other but I never found why.
    I came here to ask the exact same question, so here you go, +1 and if you find a solution or a reason, let me know

    3LP Team


    • #3
      Originally posted by 3LP View Post
      Yes, YES!
      I'm experiencing this as well for few projects and noticed on different project of other but I never found why.
      I came here to ask the exact same question, so here you go, +1 and if you find a solution or a reason, let me know

      Its satisfying knowing you are not alone!

      Very odd. Are you using Virtual Desktop to view?
      Kind Regards,
      Richard Birket



      • #4
        Camera height is very important - if the camera is being put in at eye height and you're sitting down when you put it on, you'll feel huge. eye distance does the same and messes with the scale. once we got those right we had no issues.

        If you're using virtual desktop you can render to 6x1, it's a little more reliable I found.


        • #5
          I use cube map 6x1 and view them with KRPano who uses WebVR to pipe straight into the DK2 of the oculus, so it's oculus drivers who drives the whole thing.
          My cam is not exactly at eye height so I'll double check that
          What is you eye distance you enter in Vray stereo help? I'm heaving 6.5cm
          Does 6.4 or 6.6 work better, or any other value?
          Would it be the eye setup in oculus that would be the culpit?
          You don't have that one on headsets with mobile phone so I would think not, at least not to that extend of "huginess"? no?

          3LP Team


          • #6
            We are not actually rendering 3D yet so eye distance isn't necessary. We will check the height of the camera, but I wouldn't imagine it would make such a difference: I am 6'5" but my colleagues are more 'average' sized - we both think the same thing - "That looks MASSIVE!!!"

            Perhaps its just because our brains aren't used to OcRift yet?
            Kind Regards,
            Richard Birket



            • #7
              Not rendering in 3d could be the issue... you're looking at a panorama that fills your peripheral vision and there's nothing to give it scale.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Neilg View Post
                Not rendering in 3d could be the issue... you're looking at a panorama that fills your peripheral vision and there's nothing to give it scale.
                Mmm, we have other things to give scale though, like chairs and other pieces of furniture. We will do some further testing with 3D panoramas and see if things improve.
                Kind Regards,
                Richard Birket



                • #9
                  I think we settled on 6.3cm here.... not sure what that says about us.


                  • #10
                    I do render stereo, and I still have the "huge" issue.

                    Have a look, does those look correct to you:

                    Peter, can't say out loud what it means but definitely gonna try 6.3 out, thanks for the tip!

                    3LP Team

