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vray 3.30.03 strong visual difference when converting old scene.

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  • vray 3.30.03 strong visual difference when converting old scene.

    I recently tried 3.3 on an old scene i was set up in 3.2.

    When asked while opening the old scene to convert to new vray-settings i said "Yes" I get a very blueish render output.
    When choosing "No" at opening the render output looks like rendered in 3.2.

    I tried to figure which things had changed within render-settings, but i couldnt find any major changes. Even colormapping-settings appear the same.

    When looking at the Scene-Lights they appear differently in each option. While numerical they are the same - appearance-wise they look different. So i checked if gamma-settings in max were changed, but they were not.

    I attached 3 files illustrating the color difference ... and also the difference in Light appearance.

    I know that vray 3.3 has introduced "updated internal spectral RGB color space" ... which is probably the cause for this stron visual difference.
    Is there anywhere a switch within Vray-render-settings where i can control how Vray has to behave color-wise?

    It would be quite a hassle, if for some reason one would have opted for "yes" accidently and then lights and everything will be converted and one would be unable to change back, other than opening an old file again.Click image for larger version

Name:	light_color_appearance.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	100.7 KB
ID:	883295Click image for larger version

Name:	test_yes_3.3.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	491.5 KB
ID:	883296Click image for larger version

Name:	test_no_3.3.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	463.0 KB
ID:	883297

  • #2

    Yes, it's because of the new color space in 3.3.
    Check this thread:

    Best regards,
    Margarita Stoeva |
    Chaos QA (V-Ray for 3ds Max)


    • #3

      for the old cie and change the 0 to a 1 for the new type.

      i found there is a work-around to change to old color-space again - but it still doesnt have a full influence on all the changes which were made during the "conversion" process. As the render-output appears color-wise the same as the old 3.2. rendering, but still appears differently when comparing the lighting.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	test_yes_3.3_changed_colorspace.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	109.2 KB
ID:	859463
      in this case here, much brighter than the original 3.2 or "no" conversion render output.


      • #4
        Color Space, Sky Model, GI Caustics and ultimately the sampler all contribute to the changes.
        So, on top of the colorspace reversion, you should consider checking GI and Sun fixture, to make sure they match.
        In any event, often the new sampler will produce a brighter image (rather, often with darks better filled in), as a byproduct of its improved ability to pick samples, and that part will always differ from the old sampler's results (it was kind of the whole point of the excercise, was it not?).

        The only way to get an identical render to sp2 is to not change anything at all.
        Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

        The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.

